Obstacle Avoiding and Manual Controllable Robot Using Android Phone

by abdulrahman_rijabo in Circuits > Electronics

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Obstacle Avoiding and Manual Controllable Robot Using Android Phone


Hi everyone :)

in this instructable im going to show you a simple way to make your own obstacle avoiding robot using ARDUINO and ANDROID phone to control it so follow the steps below one by one and i hope its gonna be helpful

Some Advices Before We Go Forward


* i highly recommend to enroll to this awesome robots class https://www.instructables.com/class/Robots-Class/

Parts You Need to Make This Robot


* Robot Chassis LINK https://goo.gl/3iW1CJ

* Arduino(i`m using uno) LINK https://goo.gl/2HhrW1

* L298N motor driver LINK https://goo.gl/yTgruL

* HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor LINK https://goo.gl/uDsKTD

* HC-06 bluetooth module LINK https://goo.gl/UNVN2r

* Mini Breadboard LINK https://goo.gl/XM9cSu

* Jumper cables (male to male & female to male ) LINK https://goo.gl/wk57B5

Some Information About the Parts We Are Using


* Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs as i recommend using the UNO as a beginner because its easy to use.

* HC-06 its a low cost Bluetooth module and it work perfect with the Arduino and it can work as a slave or master

* HC-sr04 its a ultrasonic sensor and can measure the distance from 2cm up to 4m and its very useful sensor

*L298N motor driver this is a great instructable for the L298N make sure to check it out https://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Modules-L...

HC Sr04 Ultrasonic Connection


* connect the sensor VCC pin to pin 5V in the arduino

* connect the sensor GND pin to pin GND in the arduino

* connect the sensor TRIG pin to pin number 11 in the arduino

*connect the sensor ECHO pin to pin number 12 in the arduino

Bluetooth Connections

bluetooth connection.JPG

* connect the module`s VCC pin to 5V pin in the arduino

* connect the module`s GND pin to GND pin in the arduino

* connect the module`s TX pin to the RX pin in the arduino which is the pin number 0

* connect the module`s RX pin to the TX pin in the arduino which is the pin number 1

L298N Connection


* first remove the jumper from the ENA and ENB pins in the motor driver

* connect both your motors to the OUTPUT A and OUTPUT B

* connect ENA to pin number 9 and ENB to pin numer 3

* connect pins IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 to pins number 7 6 5 4 as shown in the pictures

* connect you battery to the module and make sure to connect the module GND with the arduino GND

* note that if your gonna use 9v battery it may not work especially if it old or it been used before

so i highly recommend using AA batteries instead it work better with robots

Final Connection


connect everything together and use hot glue gun or screws to put everything on the chassis

The Android App

android app.JPG

* i made the app using http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu its very simple

* i made a few comments in the picture to help you building your own app

* the app include a (LISTPICKER _ Bluetooth client _ timer _ 6 bottoms that sending characters from 0 to 5 _ labels)


The Arduino Code

* i made everything clear in the code by writing comments and the code is very simple

* feel free to edit the code and inform me if you have upgrade or a better way.

/* define section */

//Motor driver setup L298N const int IN1 = 7; //connect IN1 in the motor driver to pin number 7 in arduino const int IN2 = 6; //connect IN2 in the motor driver to pin number 6 in arduino const int IN3 = 5; //connect IN3 in the motor driver to pin number 5 in arduino const int IN4 = 4; //connect IN4 in the motor driver to pin number 4 in arduino

/* this will allow you to control the speed of the motors */

const int ENA = 9; //connect IN1 in the motor driver to pin number 9 in arduino const int ENB = 3; //connect IN1 in the motor driver to pin number 3 in arduino


int command = 0;// int to store the data that we will receive from the bluetooth

/* define the pins for the ultrasonic sensor */

int trig = 11; /* connect trigger pin of Ultrasonic to pin number 11 */ int echo = 12; /* connect echo pin of Ultrasonic to pin number 12 *

* void setup section we are going to setup our pins to input or output */

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps // set motor driver`s pins to output pinMode (IN1, OUTPUT); pinMode (IN2, OUTPUT); pinMode (IN3, OUTPUT); pinMode (IN4, OUTPUT); pinMode (ENA, OUTPUT); pinMode (ENB, OUTPUT); //set trig pin as output and the echo pin as input for the ultrasonic sesor pinMode(trig, OUTPUT); pinMode(echo, INPUT); }

/*void loop section we are going to write our main program here*/

void loop() {

if (Serial.available() > 0) //check if the arduino is receiving data or not { command=Serial.read(); //set command integer value sama as the value that we will receive from the bluetooth NOT(we are going to send characters from 0 to 5 and each character will do a different job.

} if (command == '0')//if we receive a character 0 then both motors will move forward

{ // by setting IN1 and IN3 HIGH and IN2 and IN4 LOW both motors will move forward accoring to my connections and ENA and ENB to control the speed from 0 to 250 and this same as the following characters digitalWrite(IN1, LOW); digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN3, LOW); digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH); analogWrite(ENA, 50); analogWrite(ENB, 50); command=0; //set command value back to 0 } else if(command == '1') // moving backward { digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN2, LOW); digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN4, LOW); analogWrite(ENA, 50); analogWrite(ENB, 50); command=0; //set command value back to 0 } else if (command == '2') //moving left { digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN2, LOW); digitalWrite(IN3, LOW); digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH); analogWrite(ENA, 50); analogWrite(ENB, 50); command=0; //set command value back to 0 } else if (command == '3') //moving right { digitalWrite(IN1, LOW); digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN4, LOW); analogWrite(ENA, 50); analogWrite(ENB, 50); command=0; //set command value back to 0 } else if (command == '4') //stop the motors { digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH); command=0; //set command value back to 0 } else if (command == '5') {

long du = 0, ds = 0; // Transmitting pulse digitalWrite(trig, LOW); //set trig pin to high delayMicroseconds(10); //wait 2MS digitalWrite(trig, HIGH); //set trig pin to high to send pulse delayMicroseconds(10); //wait 10MS digitalWrite(trig, LOW);// Waiting for pulse du = pulseIn(echo, HIGH);// check for the pulse ds = du*0.034/2 ;// Calculating distance

//move the motors forward

digitalWrite(IN1, LOW); digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN3, LOW); digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH); analogWrite(ENA, 50); analogWrite(ENB, 50);

if (ds<=10) //if the space betwen the robot and the object less than 10 or 10 then turn right until the robot gets a space more than 10 { analogWrite(ENA, 50); analogWrite(ENB, 50); digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN2, LOW); digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN4, LOW); delay(1000); analogWrite(ENA, 50); analogWrite(ENB, 50); digitalWrite(IN1, LOW); digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN4, LOW); delay(1000); } command='5'; //here we will let the robot do the same job untill the we press stop bottom from mobile or press any bottom so we control it manualy }


// created by abdulrahman rijabo :)


Testing the Robot

controlling robot using android phone
obstacle avoiding and manual controllable robot using Android phone

unfortunately my batteries died and i couldn't test the robot using battery so i used 12V adapter

and everything works fine here is a short videos