Obstacle Avoiding Virtual ROBOT CIRCUIT
by ayurobotics21 in Circuits > Arduino
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Obstacle Avoiding Virtual ROBOT CIRCUIT

This is a Simple Tinker Cad Experiment known as Obstacle Avoiding Robot. In this particular experiment my simulation circuit makes the motors to rotate in the left direction if an obstacle is in the front of it else the motors will go on forward.

The following are the components required for the OAR (obstacle avoiding robot).
1) Breadboard *#1 ( *meaning 1 part required)
2)Arduino UNO R3 #1
3) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor HC-SR04 #1
4)L293D H-Bridge Motor Driver #1
5) Hobby gear motors **#2 (**meaning 2 parts required)
Connecting the Circuit

Complete the following connections to our OAR circuit.
Use the Tinker Cad software
As shown in the image.
Code Blocks for the Arduino

Assemble the above code blocks for over Arduino UNO R3.
Use the Tinker Cad software.