Obstacle Avoiding System
by QUEENIE AKSHAYA MUPPIDI in Circuits > Arduino
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Obstacle Avoiding System
This Instructable Article is about the Virtual Obstacle Avoiding Robot which make the circuit to move forward when the distance of obstacle is greater than 15cm and it turns left when the obstacle at the distance less than 15cm .
Equipment Required

The following are the components required :
- Breadboard - 1Nos
- arduino UNO - 1Nos
- Motors - 2Nos
- Ultrasonic Sensor - 1Nos
- L293d - 1Nos

Connect the following connections as shown in the above image using the TinkerCAD software .I made this in such a way that ,the robot moves forward when the distance of obstacle is more than 15cm and if the distance between the robot and obstacle is less than 15cm then it turns left .You can also write a program to make the circuit move right , backward that depends upon your desire. You can use same connections can be made to build a real robot too.

Assemble the code blocks as shown in the above image using TinkerCAD.