Obstacle Avoiding Robot Simulation

by pranavv.duvvuri in Circuits > Arduino

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Obstacle Avoiding Robot Simulation

Basic Navigation Of Robot on Tinkercad
Virtual Simulation of obstacle avoiding robot

In this project, you will learn how to create a Virtual Simulation of an Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Tinkercad Circuits ( www.tinkercad.com ).

Components Required

Ultrasonic Sensor.png

To do this Project, I will require the following Components.

(Drag the components from the Menu bar and put it inside the Project Area)

  • Breadboard - 1 No.
  • L293D (Motor Driver) - 1 No.
  • DC Motors - 2 No.
  • Arduino UNO R3 - 1 No.
  • Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - 1 No.



Make the connections as shown in the above diagram.

Blocks or Coding


Make the following blocks as shown in the above image. If you want the robot to to turn right instead of left then, in the else block, change the commands in the second drop down of each block from low, high, high, low ; to high, low, low, high.