Obstacle Avoiding Robot Online Simulation
by shethbareesh in Circuits > Arduino
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Obstacle Avoiding Robot Online Simulation

This is a simple TinkerCad experiment. It is an Obstacle Avoiding Robot. In this particular experiment, the motor moves on the left side after encountering an obstacle in a distance of less than 15 cm, if not then the motor moves forward.
Components Required

The following are the component required to create the robot:-
1) Breadboard-1 Unit
2) Arduino Uno- 1 Unit
3) L293d- 1 Units
4) Ultrasonic Sensor- 1 Units
5) Circuits -Several
6) Motor- 2 Units

Make the following connections with the help of the image above, using the TinkerCad Software.
Code Blocks

Assemble the following codeblocks to comeplete the experiment. Using TinkerCad.