Obstacle Avoiding Robot - Introduction - How to Make a Circuit Using a Code?
by Samhitha Bandi in Circuits > Arduino
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Obstacle Avoiding Robot - Introduction - How to Make a Circuit Using a Code?

Hello guys,
Here is the process for making the circuit using the different components. Just connect the wires according to the video and picture I posted above. Then do the code. You will see it in the last step. Use this website to make the circuit. https://www.tinkercad.com/
What Components Do You Need?

There are some components you need to make this circuit. They are:
- A breadboard
- 2 hobby motors
- A motor driver (L293D)
- Arduino UNO R3
- Ultrasonic sensor ( Dark blue color)
How Do You Do the Code?

Do the code according to the picture given above. The explanation is also given in the video. Please watch it thoroughly. There will be a button above called "Code". It will be next to the "Start Simulation" button. You will find the blocks in these categories:
- Control (Orange)
- Math (Green)
- Input (Purple)
- Output (Blue)