Obstacle Avoiding Robot Circuit
by Siddharth Prabakar in Circuits > Arduino
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Obstacle Avoiding Robot Circuit

In this project you will learn how to make/create a Obstacle Avoiding Robot Circuit using Virtual Simulation in Tinker Cad Circuits Section.
Components Required

To do this project I will require the following components:
(Drag the Components from the Menu and put it inside the project area)
- Breadboard (small) - Quantity: 1
- L293D (Motor Driver) - Quantity: 1
- DC Motors / Hobby Gearmotor - Quantity: 2
- Arduino UNO - Quantity: 1
- Ultrasonic Sensor - Quantity: 1
Connections of the Circuit

Make connections / wiring as shown in the above Diagram.
Code Blocks

Make the following Blocks as shown in the above image.