Object Tracking With Opencv and Python With Just 5 Steps (1 Bonus)
by Visionary Robotics in Circuits > Computers
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Object Tracking With Opencv and Python With Just 5 Steps (1 Bonus)

Hey everyone ! Today we will learn how to track objects with OPENCV and PYTHON
Above is the Demonstration of the heatsink being tracked with a good accuracy and average speed of 91 FPS
So let's Start.......
Pycharm- https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm
Webcam (optional, only For Live Video Testing)
Here's the video That I used
Creating Environment

- Create a Pycharm project with Python 3.9
- Install Libraries-------- Opencv-python,Opencv-contrib-python,Cvzone
Now our environment has been configured . Let's CODE
Writing Base of Code
First we will Import the libraries
import cv2 import cvzone import statistics
Then we will create the video capture for the tracker
cap=cv2.VideoCapture("video.mp4")#for Live webcam write cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0)
After that we will create a While loop for extracting our frames from the video/webcam and then display them
while True: sucess,img=cap.read() cv2.imshow("output",img) k=cv2.waitKey(1) if k==27:#press "ESC" key to exit break
Initializing Tracker
First we will take a frame from video/webcam to tell our tracker where out ROI (region of interest) is
success, img = cap.read()
Then we will create our tracker
After that we will select our ROI with a cv2 function
Now initialize the tracker
tracker.init(img ,bbox)
Updating the Tracker and Drawing Bounding Box
Now we have to update our tracker
After that if the object is being detected by tracker it has to be highlighted by a rectangle and if the object is not found then we need to display a "lost" message on window
if sucess: draw(img,bbox)#we will write this UDF later else: cv2.putText(img,"lost",(75,55),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.7,(255,255,0),2)
Note: All the above code was in the While loop
Now we will create a function to draw the bounding box
def draw(img,bbox): x,y,w,h=int(bbox[0]),int(bbox[1]),int(bbox[2]),int(bbox[3]) cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),((x+w),(y+h)),(0,255,255),3,1)
after creating the UDF (User Defined Function) our tracker has been completed
You can run this code to try your program
Getting FPS and Average FPS
You might remember the Cvzone and Statistics module that we have imported earlier
It was for getting the FPS and average FPS of our tracker respectively.
So let's use it
1.Creating list for storing FPS and calling FPS class of Cvzone module
f=[] fps=cvzone.FPS()
2.Displaying FPS and storing FPS values
fps, img = fpsr.update(img,pos=(75,90),color=(255,255,0),scale=2,thickness=2) f.append(int(fps))#these two lines are in while loop
3 Getting average FPS
For This change this code from step 2
cv2.imshow("output",img) k=cv2.waitKey(1) if k==27: break
to this
cv2.imshow("output",img) k=cv2.waitKey(1) if k==27: print(int(statistics.mean(f))) break
HURRAY we have created an object tracking program
Analysis of All Trackers
CSRT - accurate | average FPS-7
MIL - accurate | average FPS-3
KCF - very less accurate | average FPS-44
MOSSE - accurate(depends on video conditions) | average FPS-91 best ONE(For my case)
Boosting - less accurate | average FPS-14
Median Flow - less accurate | average FPS-62
TLD - very less accurate | average FPS-5
Full Code
Here is the Full Code
import cv2 import cvzone import statistics cap=cv2.VideoCapture("video.mp4") f=[] fpsr=cvzone.FPS() success, img = cap.read() tracker=cv2.legacy.TrackerMOSSE_create() bbox=cv2.selectROI("output",img,False) tracker.init(img ,bbox) def draw(img,bbox): x,y,w,h=int(bbox[0]),int(bbox[1]),int(bbox[2]),int(bbox[3]) cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),((x+w),(y+h)),(0,255,255),3,1) while True: success,img=cap.read() fps, img = fpsr.update(img,pos=(75,90),color=(255,255,0),scale=2,thickness=2) f.append(int(fps)) sucess,bbox=tracker.update(img) if sucess: draw(img,bbox) else: cv2.putText(img,"lost",(75,55),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.7,(255,255,0),2) cv2.imshow("output",img) k=cv2.waitKey(1) if k==27: print(int(statistics.mean(f))) break