Oat Pan Cakes With Orange!

Every Sunday was like having a small party in my home. I was awake and with my brother we considered it fun to go and wake up with songs our parents( ok...my kids now do the same and it is not fun!) and then we actually "forced" our mother to prepare crepes or pancakes. Honey and chocolate and the pancakes were dissapeared in less than 10 minutes! And the day was staring in the greatest way!

Ingredients for Oat and Orange Pancakes (for about 12 pieces):
- 350gr Oat
- 420gr fresh milk
- 3 eggs (in room temperature)
- 2 tablespoon brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon Orange shavings
- 1 tablespoon baking pownder

The procedure is really easy. In a bowl mix up the oat, the sugar and the eggs. Add the milk and the orange shavings and keep stiring. Finally add the baking pownder. The mixture is ready.
Use a medium or small frying pan and add little butter. Add one scoop of your mixture and try to shake the pan in a way that the mixture is spread. Bake until the first side is brown and then turn it over and let also the second side to become brown. Your pancakes are ready!

You can enjoy them with honey and cinnamon (our favorite) or with chocolate syrup or even with ice cream! Jam is great too....