by Vedaansh Verdhan in Circuits > Arduino

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Meet my new friend OTTO !!

Hi guys !! This is Vedaansh Verdhan. And today i have made a very cool and very cute project. The project is called OTTO. Now you might have heard about OTTO, and there are many types of OTTO . I have made the simplest one for the starters. So keep reading and you will be able to make one for yourself. If you enjoy this project, be sure to add this to favorite. ENJOY !!!

Components :--


You can also buy the kit through this link -

I will put the link of every single part.

1)Body -

2) Arduino NANO(with the programming cable) -

3) Arduino NANO shield -

4) Jumper Wires -

5) Ultrasonic Sensor -

6) Servo Motors x4 -

Asembly :-


LEGS :--

1) Fix the servos in the foot with the help of the screws given with the servo.

2) Then fix the servos in the lower body of the robot with help of the screws given with the servo.

3) Attach the foot with the servo of the lower body.

4) Fix the foot flap by pushing it in the holes and you are done with the legs.


1) Take the Arduino Nano shield and place the Arduino Nano in it.

2) Connect the servos to the digital pins of Nano shield 2,3,4,5.

3) You can leave the ultrasonic connections as it is the simplest Otto and the sensor will act as eyes for the robot.

Code :-

1) First download Arduino ide software from this link :---

2) Install the Arduino software.

3) Then download the code file. Open it and verify it by clicking on the tick button on the top left side.

4) After verifying connect the programming cable to the Arduino and PC.

5) Go to tools tab and select port option and select the com option .

6) Then upload the code by pressing the right facing arrow on the left hand side.

7) You will at the bottom "Done Uploading".

8) Then immediately your robot should start dancing.


Finishing Up :--


Great job guys !!! You have successfully created your own cute robot. And this not all you can do, you can make it mobile control, obstacle avoiding etc.

BYE GUYS !!!! :)