Note Taking on the Next Level

by kcdames in Circuits > Apple

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Note Taking on the Next Level

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This inscrutable will teach you on how to take world class notes in any class or job. By the end of these instructions you should be able to take quick and detailed notes.

What You Will Need


To do this job correctly you will need the following: - An Apple Ipad(any generation) - is the device used to store and create notes for class or job - Download the app PaperPort Notes - this is the app used mainly to create the detail notes - Stylist(optional) - used to write notes onto ipad. The Ipad can be found at most stores that carries electronics.

Importing Docs/Powerpoints

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At the start of class a professor may have Powerpoint notes. Paper-port allows a student to access these notes. At the bottom of the page hit imports.

Accessing Resources

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After selecting imports from the previous step you can access almost any website your professor is using.


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Organizing always the student to stay focus and allows him or her to remember the information easier. Once the app opens on the left hand side you will find a place were all notes can be placed in alphabetical order.


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Paper-port allows students to take quick accurate notes thru many methods.


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Once the class starts the app Paper-port can provide you an system to type like an computer. This will improve the quality and memorization for you on the materiel/topic at hand.


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While taking detailed notes you may find that you will need to highlight the significant parts of the lecture.


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While in class another crucial tool you can use is the voice record option.


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After taking notes on multiple levels annotating these notes allows for a personal feel to the notes. By selecting the pen at the top right allows for a person to annotate.


The overall process of taking notes on a iPad can become efficient and effective to all students.