No-Chicken Nuggets

For vegetarian or vegan chicken nuggets lovers! Using the Seitan technique it is possible to recreate the classic chicken nuggets using just water and flour. It`s a fun way of recreating the beloved chicken nuggets without actually using chicken!
I filled my no-chicken nuggets also with a piece of cheese, but, if you prefer the no cheese option you can avoid it and just have them plain! Hope you enjoy!

For 6 nuggets:
300 gr of plain flour
200 gr of water
Spices (paprika, salt, black pepper)
1 potato
1 onion
Cheese (either halloumi, cheddar or mozzarella)
2 eggs
Sunflower oil
Start Prepare the No-meat

Add the water in the flour and start kneading the dough. Knead the dough for 5 minutes. Place the dough in a bowl and fill it up with water. Leave the dough in the water for at least 2hr. If possible, leave it overnight.
Clean the No-meat

Now it`s time to clean the dough. This process should be done around 8 to 10 times, or until the water is clean (that will depend from the type of flour that you bought). Squeeze the dough in the water several times, until the water is completely white. Discard the water and pour more water on the dough, and start again. Do this process until, after squeezing the dough, the water becomes clear.
Add the Flavours

Add the spices to your no-meat. Now, this is the most important part, as if you don`t add enough spices your flour will be tasteless. So, here, is where you can choose your favourite flavours, for mine I bought some generic spices for chicken, paprika, black pepper, salt and rosemary.
Knead the No-meat

Before cooking we need to create a knot in our dough. So, make your dough as a big hotdog shape and twist it as much as you can. Then tie a big knot. Take the two sides and create the knot.
Cook the No-meat

Prepare the broth. This will also be based on your most favourite flavours. In mine I added one potato, one onion, paprika and chicken spices. Wait for it to boil. Add you no-meat in the broth and cook it for 30 minutes.
Prepare the Nuggets

Wait for the no-meat to cool down and shred the no-meat. Using a mixer, mix the no-meat. Once the no-meat looks like mince is ready.
Prepare now your nuggets, grab a spoon of minced no-meat and fill it with a piece of cheese. Close the no-meat on the cheese and give it a nugget shape.
Fry the Nuggets

cover each nugget in flour, then egg and breadcrumbs. Fry the nuggets.
Enjoy Your No-chicken Nuggets!

And now enjoy them!!