Nintendo Wifi Router

by khinds10 in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Nintendo Wifi Router


Using an Old Nintendo Entertainment system case, produce a highly functional home router using a RaspberryPI 3!

Install Required RaspberryPi Software

Flashing RaspberriPi Hard Disk / Install Required Software (Using Ubuntu Linux)


Create your new hard disk for DashboardPI

Insert the microSD to your computer via USB adapter and create the disk image using the dd command

Locate your inserted microSD card via the df -h command, unmount it and create the disk image with the disk copy dd command

$ df -h /dev/sdb1 7.4G 32K 7.4G 1% /media/XXX/1234-5678

$ umount /dev/sdb1

Caution: be sure the command is completely accurate, you can damage other disks with this command

if=location of RASPBIAN JESSIE LITE image file of=location of your microSD card

$ sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/sdb
(note: in this case, it's /dev/sdb, /dev/sdb1 was an existing factory partition on the microSD)

Setting up your RaspberriPi

Insert your new microSD card to the raspberrypi and power it on with a monitor connected to the HDMI port


user: pi pass: raspberry

Change your account password for security

sudo passwd pi

Enable RaspberriPi Advanced Options

sudo raspi-config

Choose: 1 Expand File System

9 Advanced Options

A2 Hostname change it to "NESRouter"

A4 SSH Enable SSH Server

A7 I2C Enable i2c interface

Enable the English/US Keyboard

sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard
Change the following line: XKBLAYOUT="us"

Setup the simple directory l command [optional]

vi ~/.bashrc

add the following line:

alias l='ls -lh'

source ~/.bashrc

Fix VIM default syntax highlighting [optional]

sudo vi /etc/vim/vimrc

uncomment the following line:

syntax on

Reboot your PI to get the latest changes


Update local timezone settings

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

select your timezone using the interface

​Creating the WiFi Access Point

Please note, before this becomes a router we're plugging in the RaspberryPi to an existing network via its ethernet port to install the following packages

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade

sudo apt-get install dnsmasq hostapd vim

sudo apt-get install vim git python-smbus i2c-tools python-imaging python-smbus build-essential python-dev rpi.gpio python3 python3-pip libi2c-dev

sudo vi /etc/dhcpcd.conf

Add the following line:

denyinterfaces wlan0

sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

Edit the wlan0 section so that it looks like this:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet manual

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static

auto eth1
iface eth1
inet static

Reload DHCP Server and bounce the configuration for eth0 and wlan0 connections

sudo service dhcpcd restart

sudo ifdown eth0;
sudo ifup wlan0

Configure HOSTAPD (Change ssid and wpa_passphrase to the values of your own choosing)

sudo vi /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

# This is the name of the WiFi interface we configured above

# Use the nl80211 driver with the brcmfmac driver

# This is the name of the network

# Use the 2.4GHz band

# Use channel 6

# Enable 802.11n

# Enable WMM

# Enable 40MHz channels with 20ns guard interval

# Accept all MAC addresses

# Use WPA authentication

# Require clients to know the network name

# Use WPA2

# Use a pre-shared key

# The network passphrase

# Use AES, instead of TKIP

We can check if it's working at this stage by running (but doesn't have full internet connectivity yet):

sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

sudo vi /etc/default/hostapd

Find the line

#DAEMON_CONF="" and replace it with


Configure DNSMASQ

sudo mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.orig

sudo vi /etc/dnsmasq.conf

bind-interfaces # Bind to the interface to make sure we aren't sending things elsewhere
server= # Forward DNS requests to Google DNS
domain-needed # Don't forward short names
bogus-priv # Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces.

# Assign IP addresses w/infinite lease time (for device usage stats) dhcp-range=wlan0,,,,,infinite dhcp-range=eth1,,,,,infinite SET UP IPV4 FORWARDING

sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf

[uncomment] net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

Activate it immediately with sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

Save iptables settings for next reboot

sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat"

Create ipv4 rules file (with new contents)

sudo vi /lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-hooks/70-ipv4-nat

iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat

Restart Services

sudo service hostapd start sudo service dnsmasq start

sudo reboot

Assigning Static IPs [Optional]

If you would like hosts on your network to have static ips please use the following

Aquire the hosts currently connected via DHCP vi /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases

Add the MAC Address (from output above) and the IP address you would like to assign them to
sudo vi /etc/dnsmasq.conf

# main desktop

Note: This will assign the network interface with the MAC Address: 12:34:56:78:9a:bc to IP address The IP address listed does NOT have to be in the DHCP range given, just on the same subnet. My main desktop above is on subnet eth1:, so I gave it IP Address of

Adding UFW Firewall

sudo apt-get install ufw

Allow port 22 for public use (for remote network access)

sudo ufw allow 22

Allow all ports on my local network

sudo ufw allow from sudo ufw allow from

Allow web ports to everyone

sudo ufw allow 80

Allow secure web ports to everyone

sudo ufw allow 443

Enable UFW and check the status

sudo ufw --force enable

sudo ufw status

Fix BUG with UFW not starting on startup

sudo su crontab -e

Add the following line: @reboot /bin/sleep 60; ufw --force enable

Supplies Needed: Old Broken Nintendo


Old Nintendo Case from a broken NES (remove all the old contents inside the case, leaving only the outside frame, the power / reset buttons and the controller connections)

Supplies Needed: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B


Supplies Needed: 1.44" Serial:UART/I2C/SPI TFT LCD 128x128 Display Module


Supplies Needed: 5V 0.1A Mini Fan Raspberry Pi


Supplies Needed: Ugreen USB 2.0 to 10/100 Fast Ethernet Lan Wired Network Adapter




Install inside the NES

Using a 3D printer print the Digole Display frame "NESPanel" in the /construction/display-frame/ folder. [if you don't have a 3D printer you could delicately cut a square hole for the Digole Display with a Dremel tool]

Cut the following holes open in the back and side of the case to allow for the small fan to be fastened on the side and the power/ethernet and USB ethernet cables to get in through the back.

Construction Cont.


Unscrew the top right black panel from the NES and cleanly cut a large enough square hole to mount your digole display. Hot Glue the display in place with the "NESPanel" 3D printed frame over the top of it.

Construction Cont.


Mount the RaspberryPi in the middle of the bottom of the empty NES case, fasten by glue or a small screw through the bottom. Using a 270 ohm resister, connect the "power on LED" of the NES to the 5V and GND pins in the Raspberry Pi (short LED lead is the ground). Connect the small fan to the 5V and GND pins as well to have it run when the unit starts up, glue the fan against the hole in the side for it.

Connecting the Digole Display

Connect the following pins to the pins on the RaspberryPi

VCC is connected to 3v
GND is ground

Now you should see the device in your i2cdetect command

i2cdetect -y 1

it should show up in the grid of text as 27

Install Network Monitoring Tools & DB Logging

sudo apt-get install ifstat memcached python-memcache postgresql postgresql-contrib python-psycopg2

sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf

Add the following line to the end of the file: local all pi password
sudo -i -u postgres


create role pi password 'password here';

alter role pi login;

alter role pi superuser;


(you should see your PI user with the permissions granted) create database network_stats;



psql -d network_stats

Run the following queries:

CREATE TABLE traffic_per_minute ( id serial, time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, eth0_down real, eth0_up real, eth1_down real, eth1_up real, wan0_down real, wan0_up real );

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX time_idx ON traffic_per_minute (time); Copy the "logging" folder of code from this project to the home directory of your RPi

crontab -e

Add this line

@reboot /bin/sleep 60; nohup python /home/pi/logging/ >/dev/null 2>&1

Install the Traffic Summary Report (runs Every 5 Minutes by Cronjob)

crontab -e

add the following line

*/5 * * * * python /home/pi/logging/

​Install the Dashboard Screen

Copy the "display" folder of code from this project to the home directory of your RPi

Run it as follows

$ python /home/pi/display/

Setup the display script to run at startup

crontab -e

Add this line

@reboot nohup python /home/pi/display/ >/dev/null 2>&1

Verify the display starts working on reboot

sudo reboot

Install the Local Usage/statistics Website []

Install the local usage/statistics website []

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

sudo apt-get install apache2

sudo service apache2 restart

Remove default pages

cd /var/www

sudo rm -rf html

Copy 'webportal' folder from this project to your home folder on your RPi and create the symlink for apache to use

cd /var/www

sudo ln -s /home/pi/webportal html

cd /var/www/html

chmod +x *.py

sudo a2enmod cgi

sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Enable Python CGI Scripting

Add inside the tag

Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .py sudo service apache2 restart

You can now visit the local HTTP site []

Setup advanced network monitoring (via IPFM)

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ipfm

sudo mv /etc/ipfm.conf /etc/ipfm.conf-bak

sudo vi /etc/ipfm.conf

Create with the following contents:

# Global variables

# IPFM can monitor only one device. DEVICE eth0


FILENAME "/var/log/ipfm/%Y_%d_%m/%H_%M"

# log every minute DUMP EVERY 1 minute

# clear statistics each day CLEAR EVERY 24 hour SORT IN RESOLVE sudo service ipfm start

OPTIONAL: Creating your own Nintendo images to render on the display

Upload your own 128x128 file to the following URL:

Choose your image file to upload, add what size you want it to be on the screen (Width/Height)

Select "256 Color for Color OLED/LCD(1 byte/pixel)" in the "Used for" dropdown

Obtain the hex output.

Add the hex output to a display/build/ header (.h) file, use the other ones as guides for syntax.

Include the new file in the digole.c file #include "myimage.h

Include a new command line hook to your image file in the. Note: the command below is saying draw your image at position 10 pixels over 10 pixels down. You can change it to different X,Y coordinates, you can also change the values 128,128 to whatever size your new image actually is.

} else if (strcmp(digoleCommand, "myimage") == 0) { drawBitmap256(10, 10, 128, 128, &myimageVariableHere,0); // myimageVariableHere is defined in your (.h) file }

Now rebuild (ignore the errors) below to have your new image render with the following command.

$ ./digole myimage Re-Building [Included]
Digole Display Driver for your optional changes

$ cd display/build
$ gcc digole.c
$ mv a.out ../../digole
$ chmod +x ../../digole



Rotating Title Screens
