Nightvale's Glow Cloud

by MsSweetSatisfaction in Workshop > Lighting

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Nightvale's Glow Cloud


Any other "Welcome to Nightvale" fans? Well when I heard it a while back I always had a dream of having a Glow Cloud Lamp, all hail. When I discovered an Ikea paper lantern at Goodwill and discovered an LED color changing light bulb on amazon I knew now was the time.
I even bought a bunch of tiny plastic animals to hang down from the bottom to represent the animal carcasses that the Glow Cloud is known to rain down.

Given the size of mine I have decided that clearly this is the offspring of the Glow Cloud. Therefore due it being a young glow cloud it is quite small and only drops carcasses of frogs, lizards, and maybe a snake

Gather Materials

1. Paper Lantern, I found mine at Goodwill but Ikea does sell something similar here

2. Polyfiber Batting, available at any craft store

3. Glue gun

4. Glue sticks that fit your glue gun

5. Monofilament, also available at any craft store

6. Tiny plastic animals, I got mine at the drug store but vintage stores, goodwill, and toy stores are also good places to check.

7. A light socket cable, E26 or E27 both work but make sure your light bulb matches your socket, available at the hardware store and at Ikea

8. LED Color Changing Light Bulb, available here, that's the one I specifically used and is an E26

9. Your choice of how to hang the finished lamp, I used Command Hooks because I live in an apartment and holes are bad.

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Geeky Living: Glow Cloud

It's a really simple project, just try not to burn yourself, and the outcome looks awesome. It's definitely oddly mesmerizing as it slowly changes color and the animals float. Then again that might be the point of the Glow Cloud.

For those of you haven't checked out "Welcome to Nightvale" yet, it's seriously a must. It's like "Lake Woebegone" from NPR but set in Innsmouth from H.P. Lovecraft short stories. It's a podcast and you can listen and download the entire series for free. Yes it's awesome and entertaining and completely free, so go check it out!