New England Lobster Rolls

This Instructable came about when my husband needed lobster shells for a brewing recipe, but not the actual lobster meat. I decided to make New England style lobster rolls and documented the process.

Cooked lobster
2-3 tbs mayo (Hellman's Lite is excellent)*
1-2 tsp lemon juice*
Split top hotdog buns
*to taste
Some people add finely diced celery to their lobster rolls. My husband and I don't like celery, so I don't use it and didn't include it in this recipe. But if you wanted to, you'd just add the celery to the bowl when you mix everything together.

My husband did the hard work for me. He boiled 2 lobsters and shelled them. He did forget to take the veins etc. out from the tails, so I had to do that. You want to chop up your lobster meat either in small pieces or rough chunks--it's a matter of preference.

Add the chopped lobster to a small mixing bowl and add lemon, mayo, and salt and pepper. All of these ingredients are really to taste so I suggest starting on the lower side for each and adding more lemon juice, salt, pepper etc. as needed.
Cover and let sit in the fridge for 30+ minutes.

Lightly spread softened butter on the outside of your buns and let toast on a preheated pan for a minute or so on each side.
If you didn't buy split top hotdog buns, you can carefully slice the sides off of a regular bun just to remove the crust and get that split top look.

When your lobster is done marinating and you are ready to eat, remove from fridge, add lettuce (if you want) and stuff your buns. This recipe used 2 lobsters, about 2.44lbs altogether, and was enough to fill 4 buns.