Nerf Reflex: How to Add Recoil-SIMPLE!
by nerfrocketeer in Outside > Launchers
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Nerf Reflex: How to Add Recoil-SIMPLE!

Have you ever wanted to make your Nerf guns feel more realistic? Do you want your Nerf guns to feel more powerful? Well, this Instructable will show you how! The best part is: this mod is removable, and it gives the Reflex TWO modes; Recoil Mode, and Silent Mode! Here's how:

You will need:
1 Nerf Reflex
1 Small crosshead (Philips) screwdriver
1 Nerf Reflex
1 Small crosshead (Philips) screwdriver
Step One

Simply unscrew the screws on the slide of the gun and remove both halves. Take out the little metal rod. This will disconnect the slide from the small spring inside.
Step Two

Then, put both halves of the slide back together WITHOUT replacing the metal rod. You can... but it doesnt affect anything, and is just more work. I would try not to lose it though, just in case you want to undo this instructable.
Step Three

RECOIL MODE: Prime the gun. Make sure the silde stays BACK. FIRE!!!

SILENT MODE: Prime the gun. Make sure the slide stays FORWARD. FIRE!!! Just like you've always primed the Reflex...
AND THAT'S THE MOD! ENJOY! (my first 'ible)