Nerf Gun Modification

by modmaster in Outside > Launchers

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Nerf Gun Modification

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In this instuctable, you will make a nerf gun mod for the NERF N-STRIKE LONGSHOT CS-6 nerf gun. It will pretty much make it shoot alot faster and farther. Its my first instructable, so bear with me. And sorry, I made the gun and then realized i should have taken pictures of the steps. The pictures will not match up with the steps, they are just there for visual effects.

You Will Need...

kevin gun view.bmp
1- 2" PVC Pipeing-9 inches
1- 2" PVC End Cap
1- 2" PVC Coupling
1- 2" by 1/2" PVC Bushing(half inch is to be threaded)
1- 3/8" Ball Valve
2- 3/8" Close Nipples(what it says on the receipt)
1- 1/2" by 3/8" Brass Pipe Bushing
1- 3/8" by 3/8" Tube to pipe converter
1- 3/8" Braded PVC Tubing( 12 inches)
PVC Cement
Teflon Tape
Strong tape( i used duct tape)
Bike pump or air compressor

Look at the pic on the previous page to see a picture of all ingredients.

Assemble Brass Pieces

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Piece together to brass pieces. Use the teflon tape for sealent. This is where the wrenches come in handy. You can look at the picture for help on the first page.

3/8" by 3/8" pipe to tube converter will screw onto the male end of the close nipple converter.On the other end of the close nipple converter, screw on the valve.Add the other close nipple converter on the second end of the valve. Now add the 3/8" to 1/2"piping converter on the close nipple converter. You are done with the brass.

Add Tubeless Tire Valve

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Drill a hole in the 2" PVC end cap. This hole should be the same size as the diameter of the tire valve. Stick the valve in the inside of the End cap so it sticks out. Make sure you cannot push the valve in or out.It should be stationary and not movable.

Assemble PVC

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Using the PVC cement, push together the 2" to 1/2" PVC bushing and the 2"PVC coupling. On the other end of the coupling, push on the 9" Piece of 2" PVC pipeing. To the other end of that, add the end cap with the tire valve in it. Make it as air tight as possible.

Assemble Everything

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Screw the 3/8" to 1/2" pipeing converter into the threaded hole of the PVC bushing, use teflon tape to seal it up. Push the piece of PVC tubing onto the 3/8" by 3/8" tube to pipe converter. Let it dry over night


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Feed the PVC tubing into the back hole of the gun(only about an inch or so). You can duct tape it to the gun if you'd like(thats what i did). Make sure the valve is closed and use a bike pump or air compressor to pump up the chamber. I forgot to add a gauge to see how much air is in it. Pump it up to what you think is right. Im not reasponsable if you blow it up. It should be no more than about 20psi. Load a foam dart in the end of the barrel and make sure it slides down to touch the end of your PVC tubing. Simply Turn the valve( faster the better) and Swoosh, the dart will go flying. I shot about 30 yards with it. Tell me how far yours will go. And please, dont use a projectile that could hurt someone, stick with the foam darts. They are still very much fun. Thanks.