Nerf Grenade/Hand-blaster!!!
by meanbean in Outside > Launchers
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Nerf Grenade/Hand-blaster!!!

You are pinned behind a makeshift bunker as your enemy flings dart after dart your way. Suddenly, a break in the onslaught. He's run out of bullets! you take the opportunity and pull out your hand-blaster, run up to his cover, and POW!!! He doesn't stand a chance. This Nerf Grenade/Hand-blaster is a perfect last resort or ambush weapon. By simply turning the base you can fire a shower of bullets up to thirty feet!!! To be honest this is actually just a different version of my original instructable,
Since no one else has come up with the idea, I figured i'd post it.
Since no one else has come up with the idea, I figured i'd post it.

You are going to need:
(6) Nerf darts or Stefans (I find that Stefans work MUCH better, you can cram more into the barrel)
(1) Launcher/Handblaster (To find out how to make one, follow this link
Just remember, follow the directions up to step 5, and you don't need airsoft pellets, duct tape, or the Easter egg.
(1) Velcro (Use this to attach the blasters to a belt, your gun, or whatever is convenient.)
(6) Nerf darts or Stefans (I find that Stefans work MUCH better, you can cram more into the barrel)
(1) Launcher/Handblaster (To find out how to make one, follow this link
Just remember, follow the directions up to step 5, and you don't need airsoft pellets, duct tape, or the Easter egg.
(1) Velcro (Use this to attach the blasters to a belt, your gun, or whatever is convenient.)
Follow the Link

So first, you are going to need a hand-blaster. Follow this link and complete steps one through five.
Reload Spring and Insert Darts

Just read the other instructable to figure out how to reload.
With this launcher there is no need for the Easter egg, due to the fact that the darts hold themselves in.
You can load six stefans, or 5-6 Nerf darts. I HIGHLEY suggest using stefans, regular darts kill the range by about 10 feet. Has not been tested with micro darts or streamlines, though.
With this launcher there is no need for the Easter egg, due to the fact that the darts hold themselves in.
You can load six stefans, or 5-6 Nerf darts. I HIGHLEY suggest using stefans, regular darts kill the range by about 10 feet. Has not been tested with micro darts or streamlines, though.
Optional Step: Velcro

This part isnt required for the launcher, but can be quite helpful. Just put a piece of velcro onto the launcher, then onto a belt, a strap, a gun, etc. This makes them easier to access. Just an idea though.

Simply turn the base, and POP!!! The darts satisfyingly pop out of the barrel, and the darts reach out up to 30 ft. , with a minimum range of 15 ft. You'd have to be a pretty bad aim to miss with this launcher. On a side note, It gets about the range of a Nerf Hornet, for about 1/20, of the price, half the reload time, and twice the portability! It's very easy to make multiple launchers after making one, i could make one in about ten minutes. Watch the videos for a better idea of the power. GET READY TO PWN SOME NOOBS!!! I am not responsible for any injuries. JUST PLAY SMART!!!