Natural Vitamins IoT Device
by Thibo Koelewijn in Circuits > Raspberry Pi
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Natural Vitamins IoT Device

Hello everyone!
I am a student at Howest Kortrijk and I study MCT. For our final project in our 1st year we had to realize a project. My project is Nature Health. An IoT device that determines how much vitamin D you need to stay healthy (from a natural source: sun).
The reason I chose this project is because I noticed with the corona pandemic that people were sitting inside too much and thought I would find a solution to that, Nature Health!
To accomplish this I used some sensors, an LCD, Raspberry PI, Arduino, ... (this comes in Step 1). Everything runs on the Raspberry Pi (Frontend, Backend, Program itself).
It's also my first instructable I've ever made so if anything is missing or you don't understand something. I will try to answer as soon as possible :) !
View my Github Repository here!
Main computing units:
- Raspberry Pi
Everything runs on this controller, only the Air Quality Sensor runs on Arduino.
- Arduino Uno
As mentioned above, the arduino serves only for reading the Air Quality Sensor.
- Breadboard with copper wires
To connect the pins (of the sensors, ...) to the GPIO-pins on the Raspberry Pi.
- Resistorts
3x 220 Ohm & 1x 330 Ohm
- Breadboard adapter
T-piece that shows the GPIO-connections on your breadboard.
Sensors, modules & actuators:
- DS18B20 1-Wire temperature sensor
Thermometer that measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C (-67°F to +257°F).
- Adafruit CCS811 Air Qualtiy Sensor
Ultra-Low Power Digital Gas Sensor for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality.
- VMA405 RFID read/write module
Used to scan a pre-programmed badge.
- Buttons
3 buttons to control the LCD.
- LCD-display
16x2 LCD-display, which allows you to have 2 rows of 16 characters written.
- Potentiometer
To adjust the contrast of the LCD.
- Speaker
- 3MM wood
- Soldering
Used for soldering the pins of the speaker, lcd, sensors.
- Lasercutter
Cutting out my case.
- Superglue
- Screws

Now that we have all our materials we can start wiring!
For this we will need our:
- breadboard
- copper cables
- breadboard adapter
I have also drawn out an electrical diagram for you & the circuit on the breadboard.
Important here is that you watch carefully that you don't connect anything to 5V instead of 3.3V!
When you boot up your Raspberry Pi, make sure there is no short circuit! Otherwise, your PI, may be RIP. But if you follow everything as indicated on the schematics this should not be a problem at all.
Setting Up the RaspberryPi

Now that we've done the basics, it's time to set up the Raspberry Pi! The main computing unit of our project.
1) Software & Files
First of all we download the required software and files
- Win32 Disk Imager: Download here
- SD Card Formatter: Download here
- PuTTY: Dowload here
Raspbian OS: Operating system of the Pi: Download here
2) Configuring the SD Card
- Insert the card into the card reader (allready built in or external)
- Open up SD Card Formatter and format your SD card (When it's completed we are going to write the OS to the SD card)
- Open Win32DiskImager
- Select your device
- Click on the folder-icon and search the .img file
- When your OS is loaded you press Write
Info: This process takes a while so be patient!
- Go to your SD card's directory, search for the file named 'cmdline.txt' and open it
- Now add 'ip=' on the same one line and save the file
- Create a file with the name 'ssh' without extension or content
3) Connecting with the Raspberry Pi
- Open up PuTTY
- Categorie: Session
- Host Name:
- Port: 22
- Finally press Open
4) Logging in on the Raspberry Pi
The default user & password are:
- User: pi
- Password: Raspberry
Info: For security reasons and good practice change your password immediately with the command passwd
5) Setting up the Raspberry Pi
Become root:
sudo -i
Enable interfaces:
First thing we need to set up is to enable some interfaces:
Enable these interfaces:
- One-Wire
- I2C
- Serial
That was everything we needed to do in the raspi-config menu!
Adding WiFi:
Replace SSID with your network nmae en password with your network password
wpa_passphrase "ssid" "password" >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Check if everything is configured the right way
nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Enter the following code in the WPA menu:
interface wlan0
list_networks reboot
Now the Pi is fully set up!
5) Installing software on the Raspberry Pi
Now that we are connected to the internet we can update the software installed on the Pi! We do this by using
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
After updating we need to install the following software:
- MariaDB
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server
- Apache2 Webserver
sudo apt install apache2
- Python
sudo apt install python3
After this you need to do a sudo reboot 1 more time for everything to work correctly

To store the data from the sensors, I designed a database. As you can see in the EER diagram the database contains 3 tables and I will go through them all separately!
1. Component
This table contains every sensor or actuator. It describes the sensor name and measuring unit.
2. Actie
This table stores actions for a different sensor. One action is always linked to a particular sensor.
3. Historiek
This table keeps track of all the values of the sensors read in. Each value has a unique id, component id, actie id, time of measurement & comments.
If you want to get this database on your Rasberry Pi, head over to my GitHub!
If you haven't already, head over to my GitHub and clone/download the repository. Under the folder Backend you will find the full backend for the project.
The folder contains classes that I made for reading the used sensors. Also a folder /repositories that I use to communicate with the database and the main application is in the root map (
View my Github Repository here!
Installing Python packages:
Our whole backend won't work if we don't install these next packages:
pip3 install flask-socketio
pip3 install flask-cors
pip3 install gevent
pip3 install gevent-websocket
Now you can run without any problems!

Now that the backend is done, we can start writing the frontend.
The website is mobile first, what that means is that persons using the website on the phone has the same features as a person using the website on the computer.
View my Github Repository here!

Since the name of my project is "Nature Health," I naturally had to make sure my housing had a natural look. Therefore, I worked with wood for my enclosure!
As you can see, everything was sawn to the mm. Only I didn't saw it, I used a lasercutter! I highly recommend this technique. You create your design in Adobe Illustrator (or another program that supports the corresponding laser cutter) and let the laser cutter do its work.