My Workshop....

This instructable is in response to the workplace competition.
I have heavily annotated the photos which explain the tools and setup in my workshop.
I currently rent a house, so the workshop is not as I would ideally like it as I can't modify the garage space in any way, however I have it functioning well for the sorts of projects i do.
The main machinery and kit is:
Warco bench drill
Viceroy lathe (ex college machine)
Clarke bench grinder
Industrial single phase Mig welder (rescued from a scrapyard)
Cold Saw- cut off saw. Believed to be Meddings, bought at an autojumble
Edwards 3ft guillotine-(rescued from a scrapyard)
Formech 300X vacuum former
Workbench- Professionally built, but not sure who by. Rescued from going into a skip.
Storage consists of:
Two low filing cabinets, one rescued from the dump, the other from a friend.
Bisley drawer units from scrap yard, bootfair, secondhand furniture shop
Dexion and similar shelving rescued from skips, from a company clearing it's archives and from a friend.
Plastic grey Eurotainers from a secondhand tool shop (A pallet load between a friend and I)
'Linbins' form a closing hardware store, from bootfairs and the scrapyard
Large crates rom a used crate company.
I have heavily annotated the photos which explain the tools and setup in my workshop.
I currently rent a house, so the workshop is not as I would ideally like it as I can't modify the garage space in any way, however I have it functioning well for the sorts of projects i do.
The main machinery and kit is:
Warco bench drill
Viceroy lathe (ex college machine)
Clarke bench grinder
Industrial single phase Mig welder (rescued from a scrapyard)
Cold Saw- cut off saw. Believed to be Meddings, bought at an autojumble
Edwards 3ft guillotine-(rescued from a scrapyard)
Formech 300X vacuum former
Workbench- Professionally built, but not sure who by. Rescued from going into a skip.
Storage consists of:
Two low filing cabinets, one rescued from the dump, the other from a friend.
Bisley drawer units from scrap yard, bootfair, secondhand furniture shop
Dexion and similar shelving rescued from skips, from a company clearing it's archives and from a friend.
Plastic grey Eurotainers from a secondhand tool shop (A pallet load between a friend and I)
'Linbins' form a closing hardware store, from bootfairs and the scrapyard
Large crates rom a used crate company.