My Sustainable Home!

by isabelladasilva26 in Craft > Clay

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My Sustainable Home!


Hi my name is Isabella! I competed this science project to become more knowledgeable on the subject of sustainable things!

I built my project based off of clay, first I created a thick base so that it could hold the walls of my house. Then I had to get pieces of clay and flatten them out, I made four identical walls. Then i created my roof. I then placed my walls on the base, after that I placed my roof on the walls. Lastly on the front wall of my home I used my probe tool to carve out the shape of a door and windows.

I took this process very carefully and did not rush it, I did this because the whole point of this project is to make your house sustainable. In the average time it takes seven months to build a house now imagine if somebody built a house in five months obviously it would have major problems within the construction because they didn't take the extra months to make sure the property was sustainable. My biome is in the Semiarid, Desert witch can be found in Africa, Australia and South Asia.


The Supplies I used to make my home are a probe, clay and water.

What Is a Biome


A biome is a collection of plants and animals that have common characteristics for the environment they exist in. They can be found over a range of continents. There are five major types of biomes - aquatic, grassland, forest, desert, and tundra.

My biome is in the Semiarid, Desert witch can be found in Africa, Australia and South Asia. The average temperatures at this location is 23 C during the summer and 38 C during the day and 10 C at night. The precipitation types and levels at this location during winter can go as low as -3 C, average rainfall is 2- 4 cm a year. Flora found in this location : Creosote bush, Bur sage, White thorn, Cat claw, Brittle bushes, Lyceums, Jujube. Fauna found in this location : Kangaroo, Rat, Skunks, Rabbits, Grasshopper, Ant, Lizards, Snakes, Owls and Birds.

It is important to to design homes to be sustainable because then you will know the supplies you will need for when the construction time comes.



When deigning my home I needed to think about the environment and where my house is located, it is very hot so I had to get an open type of home and not a lodge type home or else that would create to much heat inside the home and you would probably die. So I searched up "desert type homes" and most of the homes have the same architecture so when I was thinking it definitely meant there is a specific type of home type for the desert.



I built my project based off of clay, first I created a thick base so that it could hold the weight of the walls of my house. Then I had to get pieces of clay and flatten them out not to thin not to thick just lagom, I made four identical walls. The next thing I did was create my roof and on the sides i created a crease do that it could fit to the walls. I then placed my walls on the base using water as a glue paste, after that I placed my roof on the walls. Lastly on the front wall of my home I used my probe tool to carve out the shape of a door and windows.

Sustainable Aspects of Your Home

Economic - Economic sustainability means referring to practices that support long-term economic growth without negatively impacting social, environmental, and cultural aspects of the community. So in my sustainable house we only use natural resources like drinking water, as well as products, investments, consumption and markets. Society - A sustainable society means that one has learned to live within the boundaries established by ecological limits. It can be maintained as a collective and ongoing entity because practices that imposed excessive burdens upon the environment have been reformed or abolished. So to have a good sustainable society we will have empowerment, community engagement and volunteerism. Environment - An environmentally sustainable society is one that meets the needs of its people without compromising the resources available for future generations or the earth's health. So to make my house sustainable with the environment we have solar panels, a green house and a well. Human - Human sustainability aims to maintain and improve the human capital in society. Investments in the health and education systems, access to services, nutrition, knowledge and skills are all programs under the umbrella of human sustainability. We have a water treatment, green space and sustainable design and construction. Development - We have solar energy, wind energy and water fixtures. Resources - A resource is anything that is useful to people. Natural resources can be divided into renewable and non-renewable resources. A renewable resource can be used again and again. So my house has. water, sun and wave energy. Culture - Cultural sustainability as it relates to sustainable development (to sustainability), has to do with the maintaining of cultural beliefs. So with that we maintain the cultural beliefs in the environment there. Policy - The meaning of a sustainable policy is sustainability preserving and protecting the area's ecosystems and natural resources. So we recycle as much as possible, avoid using paper and keep energy use to a low level.


In conclusion i think this whole project was to make us more knowledgeable for when we are older and when we look for houses to live in because when shopping for a home you need a stable house and you need to know what good and what's bad. If I could change one thing it would be my housing tools, I wish I had more to perfect the design on the outside but i'm happy with i got in the end!