Mutation Sensation

this is Mickey (as you know) and his country cousin Carlos who were both found in the trash of Barcelona, Spain.

cut off poor little Mickey's smiley face.

cut off Mickey's country cousin Carlos's poor little crossed eyed head.

Mutate their bodies together and throw the heads aside for other projects...

make some mastery detail work if you feel like it
and walla... you have got yourself a Mutation Sensation made at home
Now you can ask your self what is depleted uranium and how is it being used?
good luck.
and walla... you have got yourself a Mutation Sensation made at home
Now you can ask your self what is depleted uranium and how is it being used?
good luck.
P.S. How to Sew in 3 Dimension

insert the string and make a knot on one of the two pieces you want to sew together.

make knot

pass needle to other object and insert stitching directly across from the out-point of the first piece

continue making back and forth square-wave pattern stitching... always entering directly across from the out-point of the other side...

tighten up the stitching from time to time so that it disappears... I occasionally make knots in case the string breaks half-way through. As well, I use a thick string so the object can withstand heavy play...
have fun!
have fun!