Mustachio Munchies


Chocolate chips
Plastic baggy
Wax paper
Mustache image
Treats, such as cookies, cupcakes, etc.
Plastic baggy
Wax paper
Mustache image
Treats, such as cookies, cupcakes, etc.
Prepare the Chocolate

Throw some chocolate chips in a baggy, about half a cup. Microwave at 20 second intervals until the chocolate is melted and warm to the touch. Knead the bag at each interval.
Cut the very tip of one of the corners of the bag.
Cut the very tip of one of the corners of the bag.
Pipe the Chocolate Into Moustachios

Applying even pressure, squeeze an outline of the mustache onto the wax paper. Fill it in with more chocolate.
Move your image under the wax paper as you complete mustaches.
Set the Moustachios

Slip a plate under the wax paper and move to the freezer; it shouldn't take very long to harden.
Apply Moustachios!!!

After the chocolate hardens, attach them to your favorite baked goods. Either use a dollop of the melted chocolate or spoon a bit of icing on the cookies or cupcakes. If you use chocolate, you will have to chill them in the fridge or freezer to set the chocolate.
Mustachey Goodness
