Music Box

by Emma_Ellsworth in Circuits > Arduino

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Music Box

IMG_4736 (1).jpg

We made a music box using the Sparkfun kit. This music box can compete in the 4H Robotics Competition.



The Sparkfun kit, carboard, hot glue, dowel rods, and an exacto knife were used in the construction of the project.

Wiring the Ardiuno

Music Box (4).png
  1. The first part of the construction is to use the Arduino and breadboard given in the spark fun kit. 
  2. Next, place the buttons in pins 1-9 as the diagram shows. 
  3. Use the black wires to ground the buttons to the rails and connect them to pins 12, 11, and 10 on the Arduino.  
  4. Moving onto the next section you will add the red, green, and blue LEDs which will occupy pins 10-15.  
  5. You should ground the shorter leg of the LEDs.  
  6. Use a 330V resistor over the bridge (on the longer leg of the LEDs).  
  7. You will then wire the red LEDs to pin 9, the green LEDs to pin 8, and the blue LEDs to pin 7.  
  8. Onto the next section we will wire the speaker. We will occupy pins 16-21 on the breadboard and make sure you ground the correct side of the speaker. We will connect the positive side to pin 5 on the Arduino.  
  9. The last section will be the motor and you will need a motor driver, power 1 & 2 will be wired to the 5V, ground will be wired to ground, ¾ will go to pin 1, input 4 will go to pin 2, and input 3 will go to pin 3. Output 3 will go to red (positive) on the motor and 4 will go to black (negative) on the motor.

Physical Construction

IMG_4738 (1).jpg

Create a box out of carboard. A carboard horn can be made along with a CD if desired. Create webbing in the bottom of the box so the top of the LED barely pokes through the carboard. Poke a hole in the carboard for the motor and attach the carboard CD to the motor. Cut out holes above the buttons and use wooden dowels to press the buttons. Either use the battery kit that comes with the spark fun kit or cut a hole to supply power to the Arduino. 

Code Instructions

MusicBox Flowchart.png

Before Setup:  

You need to define the buttons, LEDs, speaker, and motors as integers, assigning each its own pin. Additionally, store the data from the buttons, and assign each note its corresponding frequency and define note lengths to facilitate coding the songs. 


In the setup section of the code, designate the LEDs as outputs and the buttons as inputs. Also, configure the motor as an output and ensure it is initially turned off. 



Begin by reading the state of the first button; if pressed, activate the motor and set the speaker's speed. Simultaneously, illuminate the red LED and play the first song. Code the notes for the song, utilizing sheet music for simplicity. Upon completion of the song, deactivate the motor and turn off the red LED. Repeat this process for the second and third buttons, adjusting pins and variables accordingly. 


Lastly you will need to add a function below the entire code. This won’t loop and it will correct the timing for the songs .

This is the complete code:

// C++ code

// This code is for a music box.

// Three different buttons can be pressed which correspond to three different songs.

// While each song is playing a different colored LED will light up.

// While each song is playing a motor will turn. The motor is used to spin a CD.

// declaring variables

// the integers are assigned to their port values

// integers for buttons

int Button_1 = 12;

int Button_2 = 11;

int Button_3 = 10;

// integers for LEDs

int Red_LED = 9;

int Green_LED = 8;

int Blue_LED = 7;

// integer for speaker

int Speaker = 5;

// integers for motor

//Declare integers for AIN1, AIN2, PWMA and assign to pins

int AIN1 = 3;

int AIN2 = 2;

int PWMA = 6;

// these integers will be used to save data from the buttons

int buttonval_1;

int buttonval_2;

int buttonval_3;

// declaring variables to use in functions

// declaring the input variables

int Note;

int Type;

// Creating variables for the notes

// Assigning the notes equal to their frequencies

int B = 494;

int A = 440;

int G = 392;

int F = 349;

int E = 330;

int D = 294;

int C = 262;

// Creating variables for different note types

// Assigning note types to appropriate durations

int EI = 250; // eighth note

int Q = 500; // quarter note

int H = 1000; // half note


void setup() 

// assigning pins to be either output or input

 //pinMode_LED Output

 pinMode(Red_LED, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(Green_LED, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(Blue_LED, OUTPUT);



 //pinMode_Buttons INPUT

 pinMode(Button_1, INPUT_PULLUP);

 pinMode(Button_2, INPUT_PULLUP);

 pinMode(Button_3, INPUT_PULLUP);



 //pinMode the motor components to output

 pinMode (AIN1, OUTPUT);

 pinMode (AIN2, OUTPUT);

 pinMode (PWMA, OUTPUT);



 // turn the motor off

 digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);

 digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);

 analogWrite(PWMA, 0);


// allows you to read and check the serial board


void loop() 

//read button 1

buttonval_1 = digitalRead(Button_1);

 // if the button is pressed

 if (buttonval_1 == LOW) {


 // turn the motor on

  // To go forward, use digitalWrite to set AIN1 HIGH, AIN2 LOW

 digitalWrite(AIN1, HIGH);

 digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);

  //Set speed using analogWrite to value between 0 and 255

  analogWrite(PWMA, 50);


  //turn LED blue

 analogWrite(Red_LED, 0);

 analogWrite(Green_LED, 0);

 analogWrite(Blue_LED, 225);


  //Play Mary Had A Little Lamb


  // Measure 1

  NoteFunction(E, Q);

  NoteFunction(D, Q);

  NoteFunction(C, Q);

  NoteFunction(D, Q);


  // Measure 2

  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, H);


  // Measure 3

  NoteFunction(D, Q);


  NoteFunction(D, Q);


  NoteFunction(D, H);


  // Measure 4

  NoteFunction(E, Q);

  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  NoteFunction(G, H);


  // Measure 5

  NoteFunction(E, Q);

  NoteFunction(D, Q);

  NoteFunction(C, Q);

  NoteFunction(D, Q);


  // Measure 6

  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  // Measure 7

  NoteFunction(D, Q);


  NoteFunction(D, Q);

  NoteFunction(E, Q);

  NoteFunction(D, Q);


  // Measure 8

  NoteFunction(C, H);


 //turn motor off

 digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);

 digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);

 analogWrite(PWMA, 0);


  //turn LED off

 analogWrite(Red_LED, 0);

 analogWrite(Green_LED, 0);

 analogWrite(Blue_LED, 0);




 //read button 2

 buttonval_2 = digitalRead(Button_2);


 // if the button is pressed

 if (buttonval_2 == LOW) {


 // turn the motor on

  // To go forward, use digitalWrite to set AIN1 HIGH, AIN2 LOW

 digitalWrite(AIN1, HIGH);

 digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);

  //Set speed using analogWrite to value between 0 and 255

  analogWrite(PWMA, 50);


  //turn LED green

 analogWrite(Red_LED, 0);

 analogWrite(Green_LED, 225);

 analogWrite(Blue_LED, 0);


  //Play The ABC's


  // Meaure 1

  NoteFunction(C, Q);


  NoteFunction(C, Q);

  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  // Measure 2

  NoteFunction(A, Q);


  NoteFunction(A, Q);

  NoteFunction(G, H);

  // Measure 3

  NoteFunction(F, Q);


  NoteFunction(F, Q);

  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  // Measure 4

  NoteFunction(D, EI);


  NoteFunction(D, EI);


  NoteFunction(D, EI);


  NoteFunction(D, EI);


  NoteFunction(C, H);


  // Measure 5

  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  NoteFunction(G, Q);

  NoteFunction(F, H);


  // Measure 6

  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, Q);

  NoteFunction(D, H);


  // Measure 7

  NoteFunction(G, EI);


  NoteFunction(G, EI);


  NoteFunction(G, Q);

  NoteFunction(F, H);


  // Measure 8

  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, Q);

  NoteFunction(D, H);


  // Measure 9

  NoteFunction(C, Q);


  NoteFunction(C, Q);

  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  // Measure 10

  NoteFunction(A, Q);


  NoteFunction(A, Q);

  NoteFunction(G, H);


  // Measure 11

  NoteFunction(F, Q);


  NoteFunction(F, Q);

  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, Q);



  // Measure 12

  NoteFunction(D, Q);


  NoteFunction(D, Q);

  NoteFunction(C, H);


 //turn motor off

 digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);

 digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);

 analogWrite(PWMA, 0);


  //turn LED off

 analogWrite(Red_LED, 0);

 analogWrite(Green_LED, 0);

 analogWrite(Blue_LED, 0);



 //read button 3

 buttonval_3 = digitalRead(Button_3);


 // if the button is pressed

 if (buttonval_3 == LOW) {


 // turn the motor on

  // To go forward, use digitalWrite to set AIN1 HIGH, AIN2 LOW

 digitalWrite(AIN1, HIGH);

 digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);

  //Set speed using analogWrite to value between 0 and 255

  analogWrite(PWMA, 50);


  //turn LED red

 analogWrite(Red_LED, 225);

 analogWrite(Green_LED, 0);

 analogWrite(Blue_LED, 0);


  // Play Old McDonald Had a Farm


  // Measure 1

  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  NoteFunction(D, Q);


  // Measure 2

  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, Q);

  NoteFunction(D, H);


  // Measure 3

  NoteFunction(B, Q);


  NoteFunction(B, Q);

  NoteFunction(A, Q);


  NoteFunction(A, Q);


  // Measure 4

  NoteFunction(G, H);


  NoteFunction(D, Q);

  // Measure 5

  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  NoteFunction(G, Q);


  NoteFunction(D, Q);


  // Measure 6

  NoteFunction(E, Q);


  NoteFunction(E, Q);

  NoteFunction(D, H);


  // Measure 7

  NoteFunction(B, Q);


  NoteFunction(B, Q);

  NoteFunction(A, Q);


  NoteFunction(A, Q);


  // Measure 8

  NoteFunction(G, H);

 //turn motor off

 digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);

 digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);

 analogWrite(PWMA, 0);


  //turn LED off

 analogWrite(Red_LED, 0);

 analogWrite(Green_LED, 0);

 analogWrite(Blue_LED, 0);


// Function to play different notes     

void NoteFunction(int Note, int Type){




Video Explaining Completed Project

Below is a link to a video where we discuss how we created our project.