Mushroom Water Fountain

by Amit_Jain in Living > Decorating

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Mushroom Water Fountain

Mushroom water fountain

Hi All,

Today I will share how I made this mini mushroom water fountain using 3d printed parts.

Please share your comments

What Do We Need ?


  • 9W Motor
  • Skewer
  • 3d Printed parts for the Nozzle
  • Stones or marbles for decoration
  • Big vessel/container for water pond

Nozzle Assembly


  • There are 3 main 3d printed part
    • The pipe: Has an inner radius of 14mm to fit a common fish tank pump
    • The holders: this holds the cap in place and align to the center
    • The Cap: this is what gives shape to the flowing water
  • The pipe is 150mm long
  • On a wooden skewer, fix the 2 holders and the cap as shown
  • We need 2 holders to keep the skewer aligned to the center of the pipe, this help is even distribution of water flow
  • Remember the two holders must be 2 to 3 cm apart from each other and there has to be a good distance between the holders and the cap
  • If you want, you can super glue this before pushing it into the pipe
  • There has to be a gap of 2 to 3mm between the pipe and the cap
  • Place the pipe on the pump as shown
  • We do not need any glue

Configuring the Nozzle


  • Place the pump with the nozzle in a deep container
  • Pull the cap up by 10 mm
  • Switch on the pump and gently push the cap down to achieve the required shape
  • If you push the cap very close to the pipe, the water will spill everywhere
  • and if the gap is too much, then you will not get mushroom
  • it may take few tries to get the balance right


  • Now the have archived the right mushroom effect
  • Move the setup into a suitable container, which is a bit deep
  • Add stones or marbles
  • Switch it on and relax with the soothing sound of the water fountain

Hope you liked this project

Please share your feedback and comments

Items for Future

  • Use a powerful motor or scale down based on motor capacity
  • Test adding soap to reduce water's surface tension
  • Get a decorative bucket for the water pond/tank