Mushroom Box

by Adrien_the_weathered in Workshop > Woodworking

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Mushroom Box


I made a small box and drawer out of a dried polypore mushroom.


Safety glasses


Electric band saw

Dried polypore mushroom

Wood glue



In this project, you will use a bandsaw which can be dangerous. It is important to reduce danger by using personal protective gear. Put on the safety glasses and insert the earplugs, and familiarize yourself with your bandsaw. Make sure the blade is tensioned appropriately.

I used a thin band on the saw, for a tighter fit.

Slice the Bottom Off

Orient the mushroom so that the pored side is facing the side.

Cut a thin section of the mushroom off. Depending on the size of the mushroom, consider cutting a centimeter off.

Set the cut piece aside, you will glue it back on later.

Cut the Core of the Drawer


Orient the mushroom so that the pored side is down and the conical side is up.

Bring the mushroom to the edge of the saw and cut a wide oval, reconnecting the cut close to the initial cut. Power the saw off, and when the blade has stopped moving guide it backwards out the initial cut.

I made my initial cut in the right side of the mushroom, near the bottom.

Shape Your Drawer


Now that the core has been removed, turn the core on its side and slice it into three pieces.

One will become the back of the drawer, one will be the bottom and sides, and one will be the front.

Set the front and the back aside, and turn the middle piece on its side to cut it again.

Cut the middle piece so that there is space in your drawer. The interior material from this cut can be discarded from the project. The exterior material will become the bottom and sides.

Glue Your Pieces

Apply a hearty amount of wood glue to the faces of the middle section of drawer and spread it out. Attach the two other core pieces, the front and the back. Wipe away any excess glue. Gently clamp the three pieces together.

The outer shell and the bottom from step 2 should be glued together in the same manner.

Enjoy Your Box!


Once the glue has dried, check the fit of the drawer and enjoy!