MultiTool- Pen Launcher V.1.0

a pen launcher that can be modded in almost any way possible! fires as many ammo types as you can think of!
(sorry for the odd picture quality!)

you will need:
-a bic mechanical pencil with the cone removed
-2 round stic M style pens completely disassembled
-one random pen cartrage
-a giant bent paper-clip

slide the pen tube on to the belt clip of the pencil

slide the ink tube of the pen into the pen tube

slide the giant paper-clip into the pen tube

shove a random pen int tube into the hole in the front of the pencil

slide the tip holder of the pen (the blue cone) onto the pen shaft sticking out of the front.

slide on the pen cap and pull back the black nub. release to fire!
there are so many mods I'm gonna have to make a separate thing for them! see you there!