Multi Purpose Holder

by FairwoodChang in Craft > Clay

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Multi Purpose Holder

final product.jpeg

This holder can be used to hold a phone or you can put anything as you like.




Toilet paper roll


Acrylic Paint


Paint brush



Draw a Happy Man

draw on paper.jpeg

Draw a happy man on a paper, that is the logo of one of my favourite fast food shop.

Use FIMO Clay


Create the happy man on cardboard with FIMO Clay

Create Happy Man on Cardboard

cut it out.jpeg
duplicate on cardboard.jpeg

Cut it out and duplicate it on cardboard

Clay Baking

bake it.jpeg

Ask your mum to place the modelled object into oven and let it harden in the oven for a maximum of 30 minutes at a temperature of 110°C/230°F. FIMO will only be completely hardened when cooled down to room temperature.

Paint the Toilet Paper Roll

toilet paper roll.jpeg
select color for tree.jpeg
paint it.jpeg

Build the Ground

draw a lawn.jpeg
put glue on paper.jpeg
paint the lawn.jpeg

- Cut the cardboard

- Paste the toilet paper roll on the cardboard with glue

- Paint it as lawn

Make a Scarf for Happy Man


Stick the Happy Man on the Lawn

final product.jpeg


WhatsApp Image 2020-11-04 at 8.58.40 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-11-04 at 8.58.22 PM.jpeg

You can use it to hold your phone or put pen, scissors, ruler into it.