Multi Funcional Sensors Play Ground With Arduino

by simaopintocorreia in Circuits > Tools

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Multi Funcional Sensors Play Ground With Arduino


This is a multi-funcional project .

It can be mesure :distances,temperature in degrees Celcios,flame , light and tilt ,it is like a swiss knife because it is eletroni and haven't knife ,how ever it is very use full very projects in just one .Amazing!!


  1. HC-SR05(ultra-sonic sensor).
  2. Arduino UNO R3
  3. Piezo Buzzer.
  4. Flame Sensor
  5. tilt switch
  6. LDR
  7. LM35(temperature sensor)
  8. 10k potenciometer
  9. LCD 16x2
  10. Breadboard (large)



You can change the mode when you want ,you just have to turn the potenciometer to chose the mode.

1st Mode:Distance meter:

In this mode you can mesure distances between 0cm and 1000cm(or 10 meters if you want ), in "cm"(centimeters)unit.

2nd Mode :Fire Alarm:

If you have something burns it produce a noise(200Hz and 400Hz).

3rd Mode:Tilt alarm:

the same thing that the name exposes.

4th Mode:Light meter:

This mode mesure the light in "%".

5th Mode:Thermometer :

This thermometer isn't very precised put give us a real approximated read.

Wiring Sequence:


* vss,GND * vdd,+5V * vo ,GND * rs,2 * rw,GND * e,3 * d4,4 * d5,5 * d6,6 * d7,7 * A,+5V * K,GND * ultra -sonic(HC-SR05): * vcc.+5V * echo,12 * trig,13 * output ,____ * GND,GND * BUZZER: * pin1,GND * pin2,9(PWM~) * potenciometer: * pin1,GND * Cursor,A4 * pin2,+5V * flame sensor * GND,GND * VCC,A3 * tilt swtch: * pin1,GND * pin2,A2 * LDR: * pin1,GND * pin2,A1 * LM35: * vcc,+5v * vood,A0 * GND,GND *


* Creted by Simao Pinto Correia. * created in portugal , on Wednesday ,26th ,Jun,2019 * All rights reserved. */ //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++WIRING SEQUENCE+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /* * LCD: * vss,GND * vdd,+5V * vo ,GND * rs,2 * rw,GND * e,3 * d4,4 * d5,5 * d6,6 * d7,7 * A,+5V * K,GND * ultra -sonic(HC-SR05): * vcc.+5V * echo,12 * trig,13 * output ,____ * GND,GND * BUZZER: * pin1,GND * pin2,9(PWM~) * potenciometer: * pin1,GND * Cursor,A4 * pin2,+5V * flame sensor * GND,GND * VCC,A3 * tilt swtch: * pin1,GND * pin2,A2 * LDR: * pin1,GND * pin2,A1 * LM35: * vcc,+5v * vood,A0 * GND,GND */ #include <LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7); #define ECHO_PIN 12 #define TRIG_PIN 13 #define MELODY_PIN 9 #define FLAME_PIN A3 #define TILT_PIN A2 #define LDR_PIN A1 #define TEMP_PIN A0 //setup mode button: #define MODE_PIN A4 int faseButtom; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(MELODY_PIN,OUTPUT); pinMode(ECHO_PIN,INPUT); pinMode(TRIG_PIN,OUTPUT); pinMode(FLAME_PIN,INPUT); pinMode(TILT_PIN,INPUT); pinMode(LDR_PIN,INPUT); pinMode(TEMP_PIN,INPUT); pinMode(MODE_PIN,INPUT); lcd.begin(16,2); }

void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: if ((analogRead (MODE_PIN)<200)&&(analogRead(MODE_PIN)>0)){ faseButtom=1; } if ((analogRead (MODE_PIN)<400)&&(analogRead(MODE_PIN)>200)){ faseButtom=2; } if ((analogRead (MODE_PIN)<600)&&(analogRead(MODE_PIN)>400)){ faseButtom=3; } if ((analogRead (MODE_PIN)<800)&&(analogRead(MODE_PIN)>600)){ faseButtom=4; } if ((analogRead (MODE_PIN)<1023)&&(analogRead(MODE_PIN)>800)){ faseButtom=5; } if (faseButtom==1){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); long duration,distance; digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN,LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN,LOW); duration = pulseIn(ECHO_PIN,HIGH); distance = (duration/2) / 29.1; //lcd print the results. lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(1,0); lcd.print("distance:"); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print(distance); lcd.write(' '); lcd.print("cm"); } if (faseButtom==2){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); if (analogRead(FLAME_PIN)<200){ lcd.clear(); lcd.print("fire?"); } else{ lcd.clear(); lcd.print("FIRE!"); tone(MELODY_PIN,200); lcd.display(); delay(500); tone(MELODY_PIN,400); lcd.noDisplay(); delay(500); } } if(faseButtom==3){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Tylt Mode"); if(digitalRead(TILT_PIN)==HIGH){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print("no Tylt"); } else{ lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print("Tylting..."); tone(MELODY_PIN,200); delay(500); tone(MELODY_PIN,400); delay(400); tone(MELODY_PIN,600); delay(500); } } if(faseButtom==4){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); long READ; READ=analogRead(LDR_PIN)*100/1023; lcd.clear(); lcd.print("light"); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print(READ); lcd.write(' '); lcd.write('%'); } if (faseButtom==5){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); long temperature; temperature = analogRead(TEMP_PIN)*500/1023; lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Temp:"); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print(temperature); lcd.print(" degrees C"); delay(1000); } delay(200);


If you downlod this sketch to use ,download thi .ino version.

if you want this sketch to use some day that you don't no when , download the .zip file no1.

If you want to put this in a e-mail download .txt file.

if you want all these download that contains every thing.

2nd Revision.

I realise about some errors on the code and on the components .


  1. HC-SR05 ultrasónic sensor is rare on the market
  2. The fire mode don't work very well.
  3. the temperature mode have bad mesures.


  1. Change the sensor to HC-SR04.
  2. Repair the fire mode.
  3. Repair the temperature mesure mode.

So ,I correct the code and change this one.

2nd Revision Code:


* Creted by Simao Pinto Correia. * created in portugal , on Wednesday ,26th ,Jun,2019

modefied on Ago 21st '19 * All rights reserved. */ //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++WIRING SEQUENCE+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /* * LCD: * vss,GND * vdd,+5V * vo ,GND * rs,2 * rw,GND * e,3 * d4,4 * d5,5 * d6,6 * d7,7 * A,+5V * K,GND * * ultra -sonic(HC-SR04): * vcc.+5V * echo,12 * trig,13 * GND,GND * * BUZZER: * pin1,GND * pin2,9(PWM~) * * potenciometer: * pin1,GND * Cursor,A4 * pin2,+5V * * flame sensor * GND,GND * VCC,A3 * * tilt swtch: * pin1,GND * pin2,A2 * * LDR: * pin1,GND * pin2,A1 * * LM35: * vcc,+5v * Vout,A0 * GND,GND */ #include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7); #define ECHO_PIN 12 #define TRIG_PIN 13 #define MELODY_PIN 9 #define FLAME_PIN A3 #define TILT_PIN A2 #define LDR_PIN A1 #define TEMP_PIN A0 //setup mode button: #define MODE_PIN A4 int faseButtom; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(MELODY_PIN,OUTPUT); pinMode(ECHO_PIN,INPUT); pinMode(TRIG_PIN,OUTPUT); pinMode(FLAME_PIN,INPUT); pinMode(TILT_PIN,INPUT); pinMode(LDR_PIN,INPUT); pinMode(TEMP_PIN,INPUT); pinMode(MODE_PIN,INPUT); lcd.begin(16,2); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("REV 2"); delay(2000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Created By"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("simaopintocorreia"); lcd.scrollDisplayLeft(); delay(200); lcd.clear(); }

void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: if ((analogRead (MODE_PIN)<200)&&(analogRead(MODE_PIN)>0)){ faseButtom=1; } if ((analogRead (MODE_PIN)<400)&&(analogRead(MODE_PIN)>200)){ faseButtom=2; } if ((analogRead (MODE_PIN)<600)&&(analogRead(MODE_PIN)>400)){ faseButtom=3; } if ((analogRead (MODE_PIN)<800)&&(analogRead(MODE_PIN)>600)){ faseButtom=4; } if ((analogRead (MODE_PIN)<1023)&&(analogRead(MODE_PIN)>800)){ faseButtom=5; } if (faseButtom==1){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); long duration,distance; digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN,LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN,LOW); duration = pulseIn(ECHO_PIN,HIGH); distance = duration*0.034/2; //lcd print the results. lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(1,0); lcd.print("distance:"); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print(distance); lcd.write(' '); lcd.print("cm"); } if (faseButtom==2){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); if (analogRead(FLAME_PIN)<200){ lcd.clear(); lcd.print("fire?"); } else{ lcd.clear(); lcd.print("FIRE!"); tone(MELODY_PIN,200); lcd.noDisplay(); delay(500); tone(MELODY_PIN,400); lcd.display(); delay(500); } } if(faseButtom==3){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Tylt Mode"); if(digitalRead(TILT_PIN)==HIGH){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print("no Tylt"); } else{ lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print("Tylting..."); tone(MELODY_PIN,200); delay(500); tone(MELODY_PIN,400); delay(400); tone(MELODY_PIN,600); delay(500); } } if(faseButtom==4){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); long READ; READ=analogRead(LDR_PIN)*100/1023; lcd.clear(); lcd.print("light"); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print(READ); lcd.write(' '); lcd.write('%'); } if (faseButtom==5){ noTone(MELODY_PIN); long temperature,temp2;

map(temperature,0,1023,0,500); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Temp:"); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print(temperature); lcd.print(" degrees C"); delay(1000); } delay(200);

