Multi-Crypto Ticker: CoinMarketCap

by XenonJohn in Circuits > Arduino

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Multi-Crypto Ticker: CoinMarketCap


This is a very low-cost board and the good thing is it comes with an OLED screen already fitted. No fabrication or assembly required with this project whatsoever!

Several BTC Ticker projects already exist and indeed I myself have produced a past Instructable using a WiFi connected Adafruit Feather Huzzah board, based on the ESP8266 connected to a separate 128x64 pixel OLED display. I also made a later version using the same Wemos board I am using this time around which showed BTC with a graph using data from CoinDesk.

Today, BTC is around $47,500 and may run up much higher. I also want to have some of my crypto in alternative coins.

This time around I need something that displays price of multiple coins.

To do this I am using data requests from CoinMarket Cap.

I have used (and acknowledged in the code) code from an Instructable by Galor Nim which put BTC price onto a large LED display, it is here:

I believe his code was based upon work by on Hector de Isidro:

This used coinmarketcap data and so I merged the above codes with the previous code I had for the Wemos board and you now have a simultaneous display of 9 currencies, each of which is updated approximately every 30 seconds.


1) Board. Your online search term will be:

ESP8266 ESP-12F Wifi NODEMCU Wemos Development Board CP2102 +0.96" OLED

2) Possibly a micro USB to USB data (beware: not just a charging cable, they can look the same) cable to attach it to your laptop. Some of these boards do not come with a cable.

Video Clip


Here is a quick video clip of it running.

I have sped it up 5 times. The progress bars run top and bottom across screen from left to right. When they reach the right side the next coin in sequence will update. Its value will pop up in a large font for a moment and then the display of all the coins will resume. It goes around in a loop like this forever.

You need to sign up for a free account with CoinMarketCap

Create a Free account at:

Copy the API Key (write it down) as you will need it later on.

Tweaking the Code


Open the code File (see next steps) in the Arduino IDE and update these lines:

#define STASSID "SSID"; (Where SSID is your WiFi network name.)

#define STAPSK "PASSWORD"; (Where PASSWORD is your network Password)

const String API_KEY = "API_KEY"; (Where API_KEY is your API Key that you just wrote down)

Setting Up the Arduino IDE


In the Arduino IDE you need to open File, then Preferences, and in the box shown you must type (you cannot paste it, you have to type it) the following exactly:


Type it in without the " " I have used above.

See image.



You will need some libraries. The previous step gets you the main ESP8266 libraries.

You also need to check you have this one to drive the display on the Wemos board.

If any problem finding it, PM me and I can send you a copy.

Loading Code to the Wemos Board.


This shows you how to load the code to the Wemos board using the Arduino IDE.

I selected NodeMCU 0.9(ESP-12 Module) as the board and it loaded OK and worked.

Actual code is attached to the next step

The Code

This is the code for the Arduino IDE.

Getting Arduino IDE to See Your Board


In Tools ---> Board ---> Board Manager search box, search for "ESP8266" and install this. This then should allow all these types of boards to show up in the Arduino IDE so you can select the NodeMCU 0.9(ESP-12 Module) from the long list of this type of boards.

Load the code and it should all then work !

Example of One of These Boards on Ebay.


This is where I bought my board from.