Multi Attatchment Fume Extractor

by -Zander in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Multi Attatchment Fume Extractor

Rocket Igniter Test
Fume Extractor Demo

Hello, I wanted to make a fume extractor for everything from soldering to chemistry experiments. I looked in the garage and found an AC fan and got to work in fusion 360 below you will find links to all my parts and materials along with the files to print.

Supplies and Tools

  • Clear Two-Part Epoxy

It would be best to get epoxy at a market in a syringe unless buying large amounts.

  • Splatter Screen Mesh
You can get Splatter Screen at Dollar Tree alot cheaper than getting it online.
  • A large pre-filter
I could not find a matching filter to mine on the internet. The filter should be big enough that a 150 mm wide circle can be cut and it should not be very dense as to let air flow better.


  • Wire Cutters
  • X-Acto Knife
  • Soldering Iron
  • Lighter
  • Drill
  • 11/64" Drill Bit
  • Small File
  • 3D Printer

You will also need the 3D printed model below are the STL files needed.



I wanted to make a fume extractor that had a hose to direct it. I also didn't want it to just be a ventilation fan. I wanted to be able to use it inside when I need too, but robust enough I could use it for more toxic things. I could do this with filters but how? Using two filters one to collect the large debris like hair, and tape. And a carbon filter, a carbon filter relies on activated carbon(Wiki) a super porous form of carbon, these microscopic pours mean lots of surface area for bad gases to get trapped in during inside use. I also added a stator to stop the air from spinning around after going through the fan. A stator would make the air more linear giving it a higher pressure and better flow. I didn't want to stop there though. What if I wanted to perform chemistry experiments in the garage? You would not want to keep or store any of those harmful gases anywhere near me. I would need to build attachments to flow the gasses outside. I figured I could do this by unscrewing the carbon filter bolts and adding on an adaptor for a longer flex duct in its place and using due diligence on what goes through the duct.



I started the construction by stripping a power cable for a power supply. The fan has three connections, Positive neutral and ground. I wrapped and soldered the positive and neutral wires and heat shrink them, then bolted down the ground wire on the side of the fan. I plugged it into the wall and all was good.

Cutting the Pre-Filter


Cutting the prefilter was messy but not particularly hard. I just flipped the adaptor over and cut along the edges. I then went back and cut the excess off until the filter slid into the adaptor with a little resistance.

Mounting the Adaptors and the Stator


There is a very important lesson to be made from this step, always remember to have enough filament. I ran out of black filament half way through the print and while it does not look bad the stator is not 100% what I wanted, in fact, it's 75% what I wanted.

With the fan to stator part, I used a soldering iron to heat the head of the bolt I was going to use about 5mm down so it sets in the part very snug and it gave the part a better more flush look.

I then put the stator under the part connected to the exhaust of the fan and put the stator to filter part under the stator then bolted them down.

Building the Carbon Filter Parts


This part was a bit difficult, I took my wire mesh and cut strips out about one millimeter bigger on the edges from the rectangular opening. Folding the mesh made it easier to insert into the groove on the part and using an exacto knife I pushed the few wires from the mesh into the groove.

When cutting the wire mesh for the intake of the filter it was a bit more forgiving. I just cut out a square piece of mesh to stick out about a half inch on each side and cut the middle of the edges to the part held over the opening and then folded the corners and stuffed them into the gap in the wall and voila it was finished.

Glue It Together


When applying glue I used a cut zip tie to give me precise control over where the epoxy went. I used the surface tension to lay the epoxy into place and manipulate it around. Be very careful not to apply too much or it may overflow or will not apply where you wanted.

once the carbon filter was cured I applied a little epoxy around the intake and slid it into the adaptor part making sure to spread it around evenly and wiping off the excess.

Pack It Together


When I poured the activated carbon into the filter I used a measuring cup and a paper funnel to try to reduce spilling being careful to not fill over the threads, then screwed the caps on.

When putting the duct on there is a slight technique, I got the open wire and wrapped it around the rib and then used my fingernails to leverage the next wrap of wire around the rib and repeated until I had about three turns of the wire below the rib. I then went to the other end of the duct and did the same for the intake attachment.

Finish and Test


As simple as plugging it into the wall the thing powered on. I was really surprised how quiet it is, the only noise is from the pre-filter and the duct and the little fan noise produced is not very bad at all. You could have a conversation without raising your voice.

I got some pretty cool shots of the solder smoke going into the duct, there is a vortex going inside the duct.

Attatchments Combos and Extras...

Since the design is modular you can use it in many different configurations or just make your own.

See above for renders of the parts.

  • Fume extractor/filter
  • Fume extractor/external duct
  • Slanted intake
  • circular intake

I have included the files to print the extra parts and the other attachments.

