Mrpowerful's Easy-to-make Breadpockets

by mrpowerful in Cooking > Bread

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Mrpowerful's Easy-to-make Breadpockets

A "breadpocket" is a small, crispy snack. It uses two pieces of bread and can be filled with almost anything. It was about 2 years ago when I came up with this idea, and since I have an instructables account, I figured "hey why not". It is good for a snack and its extremely easy to make.

IDEAS These are some ingredients I have tried that you could use to fill your breadpocket.

sugar and cinnamon

strawberry, banana, or any other fruit

ham and cheese *

chocolate chips

any kind of jelly or jam

peanut butter and banana or raisins

peanut butter and jelly

OTHER IDEAS These ingredients have been suggested by others. If you have ideas, let me know.

pie filling *

pizza sauce and cheese *

turkey with light gravy

sloppy joe sauce *

tomatoes ( diced )

You may want to put the ingredients with a * by them in the microwave first

Cut the Crust

You will need two soft pieces of white bread. Cut the crust off either with scissors or a knife. Make sure that you cut them into somewhat equal squares.

Butter Time!

Now you should lightly butter the inside of both pieces of bread. You can use butter, margarine, Crisco, peanut butter, or anything. It doesn't matter. But for this breadpocket, I used butter.

Add the Filling

Now it is time to add the filling. You could pretty much use whatever you want. I used sugar and cinnamon as an example. Just put whatever you are using over the buttered area. Now put one piece over the other, buttered side down.

Press the Edges

You will need a fork for this step. What you do is press the edges down with a fork. Make sure the two pieces of bread stick to each other and don't peel up. It should look like a giant ravioli.

Toast It

Now put it in the toaster for roughly 2 minutes 30 seconds. This usually won't fully toast it, but will make the bread crispy and melt the butter. You are now done. Eat it and enjoy :)