Morse Code Noisemaker

by smalltortoise in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Morse Code Noisemaker


This is a project that was created during an Instructables Build Night with RaspberryPi and Adafruit.

This project uses Python, RaspberryPi, a motor, and the Adafruit Pi Cobbler Kit.

The Python script included in the next step attempts to send "HELLO WORLD" through a connected motor. This is a sneaky prank project, because if done right it will act as a pesky noisemaker that seems to make erratic noise. With the right materials and placement, this can sound like a small rodent messing around in some unknown location in a room. This has the benefit of driving unsuspecting passersby up the wall.

A secret, sneaky function of this prank is to actually send real Morse code messages. If you have cohorts involved in your prank, you can leave them a repeating message that will cycle through fifty times. You may find that many people will not suspect the sounds are in Morse or even coded messages at all because each character lasts between 1 and 3 seconds, which is enough time for your motor to spin several times. Most people are used to Morse code as solid, continuous signals such as beeps. This project yields slightly erratic noises if done right that sounds like a small animal scratching around or foraging.

This uses timing that is a variation of Farnsworth Morse code. You can read more at the tutorial this was based off of here.

If you would like to create your own blinking Morse code message, feel free to mimic what we did in using standard Morse code.

Created at a Build Night at Knox Makers.

What You Will Need


You will need:

  • The documentation for this tutorial
  • A RaspberryPi and accessories
  • An assembled Adafruit T Cobbler Breakout Kit
  • A basic small motor
  • A breadboard
  • Materials to strap the project in place
  • Materials to make noise with such as plastic and wire
  • A hidden place where the noisemaker can repeatedly brush against something noisy like a hollow pipe without impeding the motor's movement
  • The Python code uploaded to this step


Plug in a Motor and Run


Use the same steps for the Blinking Morse Code tutorial, except plug in a small, basic, RPi compatible motor to GND and #17 pins, instead.

Make sure you attach something light that can make noise against the right material. Test this out by running

An example is a wire and plastic twist tie from a loaf of bread against a very small aluminum foil baking pan.

Once you are satisfied, mount your project somewhere hidden that has access to a power outlet.

Plug in your RPi and run again.

With luck, it will be easy to hear the sounds, they will sound random and like a small animal or other oddity, hidden from view, and able to send your secret Morse code messages to others.

Whenever you want to change the message, simply edit and run it from a terminal.