Mood Lamp 2.0 With Arduino

by makayla.hou0113 in Circuits > Arduino

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Mood Lamp 2.0 With Arduino


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create your won moon lamp. I've always like having moon lamps beside my bed to help me be calm before sleeping, but I always think they change the color too rapidly which is not as useful. Therefore, in this project I will be adjusting the mood lamp's rate of changing the color to a slow temple in order to calm me before sleep. Also, I will want the mood lamp to project a picture on the celling through the colorful lights to make my room more beautiful. This project is a upgraded version from this original product.

Major features of the Mood lamp

  • Changes colors Slower (Adjusted)
  • Projects cute pictures(Adjusted)
  • Increased accuracy of detecting the dark or light(Adjust)
  • Activates automatically in the dark
  • Shines different colors through the combination of RGB


- Arduino

- Jumper wires


- LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)

- Breadboard

- hemisphere with a little transparent hole

-Cute Stickers or pencil, scissors, tape, and a sheet of paper

Connect the Wires

unnamed (1).jpg

Connect as it is on the image.

Choose shorter jump wires when the distance between the connecting points are shorter; choose longer jump wires when the distance between the connecting points are longer.

Create Little Picture for the Projection

unnamed (2).jpg

Hand-made Pictures

  1. Take out the sheet of paper
  2. Research a simple picture that you like(Example pictures are above)
  3. Zoom out the picture to the size of the hemisphere's transparent hole
  4. Trace the picture on the sheet of paper with a pencil
  5. Cut out it's outer shape
  6. Cut out a single strand of the tape
  7. Tape the cut-shape on the transparent hole of the hemisphere


  1. Pick a small sticker that is the size of the transparent hole
  2. Stick it on the top of the transparent hole

Upload the Code


This is the link to the code. Tap "Download" to download the code

1. Download Desktop "Arduino"

2. Press "Download sketch" in the code website

3. Open the sketch (If the Desktop version of the Arduino is successfully download, it will open to the Desktop Arduino app automatically)

4. Press "Upload" when the Arduino board is connected to the computer with the circuits on.

Test the Light Sensor

Testing Light sensor

When the code is uploaded completely, the RGB LED should be ready to be activated.

The code is set that the LED will only be turned on when it is in absolute darkness(Room light's turned off), which is is a common condition before people go to sleep. If your location is bright, then the RGB LED shouldn't be shining when the code is uploaded. If your location is dark, then the RGB LED should be shining with a pace of 30 seconds per color.

Turn on and off the lights of your location to test if the light sensor works normally.

If not, check if the circuits are all wired correctly or reset the Arduino board then upload the code again.

P.S. There is also a possibility that your RGB LED is broken.

Add the Outer Shell of the Mood Lamp

Add outer shell

Take out the finished mood lamp's outer shell, a hemisphere with little pictures taped on the transparent end. Next, put the outer shell over the breadboard, especially covering up the wires and RGB LED.



Enjoy the mood lamp 2.0