Modular Mini Breadboards

by BroBoard in Circuits > Electronics

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Modular Mini Breadboards


Mini Breadboards are cute and fun to play with whether you're prototyping or creating something.

Mini Breadboards comes with colors as you've seen in the picture. The available colors comes with Blue, Black, Yellow, Red some colors are available like white, green, gray etc.

Mini Breadboards are modular, so you can attach more mini breadboards together to form a large prototyping breadboard. i also call this a modular breadboard because you can create function or functions per breadboard.
let say you want a oscillator from a blue mini breadboard and say we want a amplifier on the red mini breadboard and so attaching those two functions together, we make a synthesizer.

The next steps we will building functions per breadboard and make a working prototype :)

Watch the Video

First watch the video, A video is a great tool for understanding and lesson or tutorial . A video makes it easy to understand and follow the procedure. However, it is also recommended to visit next steps for additional info and images.
*** For now the Video is under Editing will notify if the video is ready :)

Order the Component Parts.


Tools and Materials Needed



For Jumper Wires.

1. Wire Splicer or Wire Stripper
2. Wire Cutter


1. Jumper Wires
2. 2x 50k Ohm Potentiometer (any potentiometer up to 100kohm)
3. 1x 2N3904 NPN BJT
4. 1 x 10k Ohm Resistor (for not blowing up the transistor)
5. 1x 360 Ohm Resistor ( Current resistance for LED)
6. 1x Any Color LED (MIne Blue)
7. 1x Battery 9 Volts or 5 Volts will work (MIne Cellphone charger :D )
8. 1x 10uf ( for the set gain of the lm386)
9. 1x 220uf (for output filtering for speakers)
10. 555 timer
11. LM386 OpAmp
12. The mini Breadboards (Ofcourse)

Breadboard Layout and Schematic Diagram

555 timer astable multivibrator.jpg

So i've research the schematic diagrams on google images, The First Schematic is the 555 timer as Astable multivibrator as you can see you can change the resistors across on pin 8, pin 7 and pin 6 to whatever you like mine i changed it to potentiometers so that you can freely adjust the timing or we call the Duty Cycle of the 555 Timer, you can also change the capacitor across pins 1 and 2 for again how fast the duty cycle you want to be.

The second schematic is the amplifier, so i used the LM386 because its easy to setup and only require minimum components to operate.

So this two schematic i researched will be combined together to make a Synthesizer. As you've seen in the picture above, i combined it in the breadboard.

The First Breadboard on the left side is the 555 timer functioning as Astable Multivibrator on the middle is the LM386 Functioning as Amplifier and the last breadboard on the right side is for the speaker output, so that we make the square wave output of the 555 chip as the sound of square wave. You notice that i put LED on the schematic so that you will actually see the function action of the timer and it is fun to look at. :)

Picture of the Actual Prototyped Synth.


So yeah i put all the components at the breadboard per function, You can power it up with a 9 volt battery to have a much louder sound and response of the chip.

So my Friends, this is the end of my Instructable thank you for checking out my instructable, actually this the continuation of my instructables hopefully to be consistent on posting more of this stuff weekly, well see. Check out my other instructable project and Begging to please Follow/Subscribe my Instructable Page for you to don't miss my feeds and upcoming instructable :) and please subscribe to my youtube channel for future videos to come :)