Modular DPS3003/5 PSU and T12 Soldering Station

by Mile264 in Circuits > Tools

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Modular DPS3003/5 PSU and T12 Soldering Station

Modular DPS3003/5 PSU and T12 soldering station

The goal of this instructable is to show you how to make a universal enclosure that can be used as a lab power supply, soldering station or combination of two.

Enclosure consists out of main body and front panel.

Main body is designed to be easily 3D printed in one piece without any supports.

Front panel is designed to be cut from 3mm thick tinted plexiglass sheet or 3D printed. On the front panel there are mounting holes for Ruideng DPS3003/5 power supply modules and/or Ksger T12 soldering iron controller. In general, a front panel for any combination or type of modules can be made, since outline dimensions are provided.

To power everything there is space for two Meanwell LRS-100-24 power supplies in the main body part. They each can provide 24 volts @ 4.5A. 100 watts of power per channel is enough for any soldering iron or lab power supply hobbyist may use. They each have a small voltage adjusting potentiometer that can be used to increase output voltage by few volts.

Use of quick connect terminals is not a must. Soldering will do just fine. Just make sure to insulate solder joints.


This project uses main voltages that are deadly. Please use proper safety and follow wiring schematics and instructions outlined in video.

Before powering double check your wiring and before first use test output voltages(polarity and values).

Things You Will Need


To make this instructable this is all you will need(most of the thing are laid on the table):

3D Models & Printing


Here you will find all 3D models you need to 3D print your enclosure(STL files). There are also STEP files so that you can easily modify model to your needs. DXF files of front panel will come in handy if you want to custom laser cut your front panel. Lastly you will find wiring schematics in pdf format that are referenced in next step.

Wiring Instructions


For wiring schematics refer to images above(pdfs also available). First image shows wiring diagram for unit with two DPS3005 modules, while second one shows unit with one DPS3005 and KSGER T12 module. For more information about assembly refer to video located in introduction chapter.

When done, your wiring should look something like pictured above(last image).



All done. YAY!