Modern Fossils for Fun

Finding a fossil is amazing. An average walk can be elevated to an extraordinary experience if a tiny fossil is discovered. The idea of holding a rock that has the imprint from a living organism from a billion years ago changes your perspective. It makes you wonder, it fills you with hope , it changes you. Each fossil I find is displayed with awe and reverence. I have never discovered a “ big” fossil, but I believe that all the rocks tumbling in a stream may have been stepped on by an allosaurus or a Iguanodon, so “fossils for fun” could be made from a collection of river rocks and pebbles collected while hoping for another fossil, even a tiny one.
Rocks and pebbles, hot glue, sharpie markers
Imagine the Possibilities

Go hiking, wade in the streams, look along the banks of a creek, pick up a thousand pebbles, caress them, skip them across the flat water, put the ones that “feel right” in your pocket. (Never collect rocks from National parks) Add them to a jar, when the jar is brimming with possibilities spread out all of them on the table, then imagine- a dinosaur, a bird, a mouse, a fish- fiddle around with the pile until a shape you love takes form. Then hot glue the design to a larger rock and you have created a modern fossil to display with river rocks and your imagination. It is a simple activity but very fulfilling.