Mod Your Stream Line Darts

In this istructable you will learn how to put more weight on your darts so they hurt when it hits you, and goes farther. Range: as far as the gun shoots

What you need
1)2-3 BBs
2)Streamline dart(s)
1)2-3 BBs
2)Streamline dart(s)
Preping the Dart

You know the tiny hole on the tip of the dart? Make the hole bigger
by cutting it.
by cutting it.
Putting the BBs In

To open the hole open the sissors and stick one blade into the hole and pull up and slide a BB in repeat to put the other BB in. (sorry 4 Blurry pic) Repeat this instructable for how many darts you want to mod.

Place the darts into the clip of the Long Shot ar the Recon and fire!