Miss La Sen Quilling Paper
Miss La Sen is the fictional character in Sorim story boardgame, Hi La Sen- Hi Nice Life song...specially Miss La Sen spring rolls.
Use This Pattern. Print It or Draw It in A4 Size Paper.
Use the Quilling Needle and the Quilling Strips, White Glue.
Insert the Quilling Paper Into the Quilling Needle.
Roll the Paper Into a Coil.
Glue the End With a Dab of White Glue.
Use the Yellow Quilling Strip to Glue Around the Face.
Using Two Fingers to Squeeze an End of the Coil. It Has the Tear Drop Shape.
Make 2 Pink Coils for the Pink Cheeks.
Make 5 Tear Drops for the 5 Petal-flower on the Right Ear.
Make 2 black coils for the eyes. Make an orange coil and squeeze like the mouth
Roll the Blue Paper Into a Coil and Squeeze It at 4 Corners for the Rectangle. Put It in the Center of the Bow.
Make 2 orange parts for the headband.
Erase the Pencil Lines. Make Some Branches, Flowers Under Miss La Sen Head.
Write Some Hand Writing Letters.
Done. You Have Miss La Sen Head Quilling Paper.