Miss La Sen Paper Bowl and Cupcake Wrapper
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Miss La Sen Paper Bowl and Cupcake Wrapper

Miss La Sen is popular in boardgame, cartoon clips, comic book and specially Miss La Sen spring rolls. A Miss La Sen paper bowl and cupcake wrapper is rather interesting.
Download This Pattern for the Cupcake Wrapper Shape and Print It Out in A4 Size Paper.

Download This Pattern for the Miss La Sen Head Shape and Print It Out in A4 Size Paper.

Cut Out the Pattern

Cut Out This Pattern on the Cardboard.

Punch Some Holes on the Wrapper.

Use the White Glue to Glue the 2 Ends of the Wrapper Together.

Glue the Bottom Onto the Wrapper.

Cut Out the Miss La Sen Head on the Art Paper.
Cut the Headband and Glue It Onto the Head.
Cut the Eyes, Mouth, Cheeks, Flower... Glue Them Onto the Head.
Glue Miss La Sen Head Onto the Wrapper. You Can Put the Cupcake or Candies in This Wrapper.

If You Want to Make Lantern or Candle Holder, You Can Use This Pattern.