Miss La Sen Felt Hula Lei

Miss La Sen is a nice fictional character in Sorim story board game, Miss La Sen spring rolls.
Download This Pattern and Print It Out in A4 Size Paper to Cut the Flower and Miss La Sen’s Head.

Cut About 30 Rounds on the Felt.

Cut the Felt Round Into the Strips and Punch a Hole in the Center of the Round.

Cut the Small Rectangle

Poke the Round Into the String, Use the Glue-gun to Glue the Round Into the Shape Like the Picture and Roll the Rectangle Into the Pipe Shape.

Poke the Other Rounds Around the String Into a Lei.

Take the Felt Sheet to Trace Miss La Sen’s Head on This and Cut It Out.
Cut the Orange Felt Headband and Glue It Onto the Head.

Cut the Blue Felt Bow and Glue It Onto the Headband.

Trace the Eyes, Cheeks, Mouth on the Felt Sheet and Cut Them Out.

Add Miss La Sen’s Head Into the Lei. Done.