Mirror Refurbished With Lasercut Flowers

by Norahbelle in Workshop > Laser Cutting

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Mirror Refurbished With Lasercut Flowers


Decorate a used mirror with lasercut shapes for a new look!

Garage sales, attics and Goodwill are good places to find nice mirrors that need a bit of updating.

Materials used:

  • Mirror (from Goodwill)
  • Illustrator and internet for design and creating files
  • Silver paint
  • Acrylic (Tap plastic - a reject piece on sale)
  • Lasercutter (TechShop)
  • Acrylic Glue
  • Sander and sand paper
  • Tape and cardboard to mask off areas

Design - Research and Artwork


Art Deco designs were my starting inspiration.
I looked at lots of images and clip art.

Some of the ideas were taken further in Illustrator..
seeing how they would look on a file with the dimensions of my mirror frame (approximately 34in x 30in)

After trying many variations, they seemed too rigid and repetitive; a bit too hard and machined.
I decide to sketch leaves and flowers to see how they looked - the more relaxed, organic feel was good.

The final design was a inner layer of leaves surrounded by an outer layer of flowers.
These were broken into two files that would be used to cut the acrylic - and that fit on the 18in x 24in lasercutter bed.

Lasercut Acrylic


The acrylic was 1/4 inch thick which took a long time to cut.

Be sure to test the settings so the images are cut properly. Although I ran tests, my final cuts had some burnt edges that required modifications to my original intentions of having clear pieces on the mirror frame.

Painting the Frame


The mirror was scarred wood.. so I decided to paint it silver to keep it light.

Problem Solving


As mentioned in a previous step, my lasercutting setting were a bit off and created burnt areas on my pieces.

I first tried cleaning/scratch reducing products for acrylic but they didn't clean everything.

On to plan "B".

Using some scrap piece, I tested how they would look sanded.. cool! even better than clear. So I lightly sanded one side of all my pieces using 220 sandpaper and a sander.

Laying Out the Pieces and Gluing Them in Place


For final assembly of the mirror frame:

  • tape cardboard over the mirror to protect it from glue
  • use printout of leaves and flower layers to check placement of pieces
  • be sure to work with glue in well ventilated area, wear gloves - be safe!
  • read instructions on glue and test glue on some scraps
  • glue layer of leaves and let dry 24 hours
  • glue layer of flowers and let dry 24 hours
  • realize that glue under flowers shows through
  • lightly sand top of flowers to improve "frosted" look.

Hang It Up!


Now hanging over the fireplace!

Looks good!

i made it at TechShop.