Minimalist Leather Wallet

This leather wallet is a minimalist wallet and has plenty of space for cards and folded bills. I really enjoyed making this project and hope that you will as well.
1-2 square feet of leather
Paper (to draw pattern out)
Scratch awl
Utility knife
Edge bevelers
Stitching chisels
Edge coat (optional)
Edge slicker
Thread and needles
Leather dye (I used range tan from Tandy)
Barge cement (glue/adhesive)
Neats foot oil
Wool dauber
Paper (to draw pattern out)
Scratch awl
Utility knife
Edge bevelers
Stitching chisels
Edge coat (optional)
Edge slicker
Thread and needles
Leather dye (I used range tan from Tandy)
Barge cement (glue/adhesive)
Neats foot oil
Wool dauber
Leather Pieces

Cut out your pattern from the paper and then transfer it to the leather using the scratch awl and then cut the individual pieces out.
Dying the Leather

Using a wool dauber apply the dye to the leather and make it as even as possible.
Skiving the Edges Down

Personally if I was to do this again, I would probably have used 2-3 oz leather but I realized that that these edges would be hard to punch through with my stitching chisels so I skived down all the edges and they ended up being pretty nice.

The first thing your going to glue are the two big pockets together. Just make sure not to glue the tops of each so that there is a pocket in the middle. Then glue the remaining card slots on the two sides.

The next step is to punch your stitching holes and then stitch the wallet together.
Neatsfoot Oil

I used a wool dauber to apply some neatsfoot oil to give it a rich color. The trick is experimenting on leather beforehand so that you don't make it too oily but give it enough also.