Miniature Firearm With Easily Loaded Cartridges

by nepheron in Workshop > Science

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Miniature Firearm With Easily Loaded Cartridges

This is a tiny little gun I made on the 9th of August. It shoots teeny tiny lead balls made from solder...and shoots them HARD. This can shoot holes in copper flashing and go straight through cardboard boxes. The BANG in frighteningly loud and makes my ears ring for awhile. It also features an easily re-loadable cartridge.

The problem with most homemade cannons is that the hold the fuse enters is large enough to allow quite a bit of gas to escape and reduce the over all firing power. This gun has a unique mechanism that actually seals off the fuse hole after the fuse burns past a certain point. Very efficient and much more powerful than any other miniature I've made.

So far I've manufactured 3 kinds of cartridges. One is just a blank, another holds a single lead ball, and one shoots a bunch of tiny bullets (like a shot gun or something). The last type of cartridge is very effective at blowing MASSIVE holes in all kinds of things like paper plates and zombies.

The explosives used in the cartridges are made of the red powder in cap gun caps (potassium chlorate). Only 4 caps were used per bullet, and I'm probably going to reduce it to 3 because the gun is showing signs damage.

If you are making your own post-apocalyptic style mini-weapons, feel free to pm me with any tips or questions you might have.