Mini Spud Gun:

by Blo0dZsTa in Workshop > Science

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Mini Spud Gun:

ok today i am going to show you how to make a mini spud ( by mini i dont mean by one of those spud guns made from chap sticks i mean a spud gun with a half inch barrel.

ok since this spud gun is really held together by tape, it can explode so wear safety gloves, earplugs, and safety glasses.
i dont take any responsibility if you do get harmed by this gun, i also do not take responsibility if u harm other people or things.

sorry for the bad picture quality.

and for those who think i copyed it off youtube. i didnt because i made this before i saw the vid on youtube.

plz leave a comment.

What You Will Need:

wat ull need.jpg
1x plastic peanut butter container.(or in my case a stock container but i highly recommend a peanut butter jar).
1x gatorade bottle top
1x pvc pipe barrel any sixe you want just as long as it isnt bigger then the gatorade bottle top.
2x thumbtacks
1x lighter ignitor
Boxing tape and electrical tape
and scissors
you might also need a knife.

Step 1: Preparing the Chamber

ok for this step you need to put a hole on the bottom of your container. NOT ON THE LID. you can either start this by jamming your scissors in it and cutting arounbd the edge or do the same thing with a knife.

warning: do not cut yourself lol like i just did.

Step 2: Installing Ignitor

ok if you have made mini spud gund before you will know this step if not read on.

before you go onto the next instructions reinforce your chamber with electrical tape for safety.

ok we will need our thumbtacks for this. what you will have to do is make your thumb tacks look like this in side of your chamber \ / . once you have them looking like that connect the ignitor to the thumb tacks then check for the spark. if there is no spark you either have a shit ignitor that is broken or you are shorting out somewhere.

Step 3: Preparing Barrel

barrel completed.jpg
ok you know your bareel isnt big enough to fit snug in the gatorade top so wrap your boxing tape around your barrel until it fits. then when it is big enough add two layers of electrical tape on to make it go on better. once that is done put your barrel on the gatorade top and secure it good with your electrical tape.

Step 4: Connecting the Barrel to Chamber

connected taped.jpg
Now for this step all you have to do is tape the completed barrel onto the chamber. be sure it is secure and reinforce everything with tape.


ok when using wear safety gloves, ear plugs, and safety glasses.

ok DO NOT start your first shot with a potatoe start it with a tissue and only shoot tissues until you are confident to use a potatoe.

ok put your tissue in the barrel then plunge it down to the end of the barrel

then open the end cap and spray your chamber for 1 second let some oxygen in then close.

then hold on tight and ignite!.

now play safe and dont forget your safety gear!! and dont shoot your neighbours cat or shoot your brother/sister and if u do...... i take no responsibility.

oh and try to reinforce your end cap.