Mini Weaving Loom & Mini Rug

by innovento in Craft > Fiber Arts

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Mini Weaving Loom & Mini Rug


Welcome to the realm of size-defying creativity in the Instructables Big and Small Contest! Prepare to challenge the ordinary as I unveil my innovation: a mini weaving loom transformed into a tool for crafting a rug of miniature proportions. Imagine the magic of weaving intricate patterns on a pint-sized frame, where every thread tells a story of ingenuity. From the loom's petite stature emerges a tapestry of imagination, defying the constraints of size with every fiber. So, are you ready to weave wonders on a scale that defies expectations? Let's embark on a journey where size is just a canvas for boundless innovation!



10 inches - 2 wooden pieces

8 inches - 2 wooden pieces

Gorilla Wood Glue for the wooden sides

White Cotton Thread for the base

Handsaw for cutting

Ruler for making

Pencil for marking

Loops and Threads Yarn - 1 bundle (White)

Loops and Threads Yarn - 1 bundle (Multi-colored)

With precision and passion, I gathered the materials for my wooden loom creation.Two pieces each measuring 10 inches and 8 inches, wood glue in hand for sturdy assembly. A handsaw and ruler aided in crafting perfection, marking each inch with a pencil's delicate touch. With the foundation set, I wove a base using white cotton thread, laying the groundwork for vibrant creativity. Finally, armed with bundles of Loops and Threads Yarn in both white and multi-colored hues, I embarked on a weaving journey, each thread intertwining to form a masterpiece of texture and color on my handmade loom.

Mark & Cut Two Wooden Sides of the Loom


With precise attention to detail, I utilized a ruler and pencil to mark every 1/10 of an inch along the two 10-inch sides of the loom. This meticulous process ensured uniformity and accuracy, laying the groundwork for the intricate weaving. Each measurement became a cornerstone of the weaving process, guiding the placement of every thread and pattern on this finely crafted frame. 26 total grooves were made to the wooden frame.

Building the Weaving Frame


Constructing the weaving frame required careful attention to detail and structural integrity. I began by positioning the two long wooden pieces vertically, forming the sides of the frame. Then, I added the top and bottom pieces, each equipped with grooves to securely hold the threads during weaving. Ensuring precise alignment, I affixed small wooden pieces at the corners using wood glue, bolstering the frame's strength. These reinforcements not only provided stability but also ensured durability against the tension of the weaving process. With the frame assembled, it stood robust and ready to support the intricate interplay of threads and colors, poised to transform into a canvas for creativity and craftsmanship.

Laying the Foundation Thread


With deliberate precision, I began laying the foundation thread. Each strand was carefully nestled within the notches on the two wooden sides of the loom. Starting at one end, I anchored the thread, gently looping it around the first notch and pulling it taut. Moving to the next notch, I repeated the process, creating a parallel line of threads. Each strand was spaced evenly, maintaining tension to provide a sturdy base for the weaving process. With focused attention, I continued this pattern, working my way across the loom, alternating between the two sides. As I progressed, the foundation took shape, a grid of threads waiting to be interlaced with colorful yarn. This step ensured the stability and uniformity of the weaving surface, setting the stage for the intricate patterns and designs that would soon adorn the loom.

Adding White Yarn for the Base Weaving


Adding the white yarn for the base weaving involved a methodical process of weaving each strand above and below the base thread to create a simple yet sturdy stitch. With the loom prepared and the foundation thread in place, I began by securing the white yarn at one end of the loom, leaving a tail for later weaving. Holding the yarn taut, I passed it over the first base thread and then under the next, repeating this pattern across the loom. As I progressed, I ensured that each weave was snug against the previous one, maintaining consistent tension throughout.

Upon reaching the end of the row, I reversed direction, passing the yarn under the first base thread and then over the next, repeating this process until I reached the starting point. This back-and-forth motion created a simple weave pattern that formed the base layer of the rug.

Throughout the process, attention to detail was paramount to ensure uniformity and stability in the weave. With each stitch, the rug began to take shape, laying the groundwork for the intricate designs that would follow.

Additional Decoration With Top Stitches


Employing a zigzag pattern on the established foundation, I introduced a burst of vibrancy using the multi-colored thread, elevating the weaving process from functional to visually captivating. With the loom poised and the base weaving securely in place, I embarked on this phase of the creative journey.

Starting at one end of the loom, I carefully selected the multi-colored thread, allowing its hues to dance across the canvas of the loom. With each stitch, I wove the thread over and under the white base threads in a zigzag motion, creating a dynamic interplay of colors and textures. The rhythmic repetition of the zigzag pattern added a sense of movement and energy to the weave, enhancing its visual appeal.

As I progressed across the loom, the pattern began to take shape, each zigzag stitch building upon the last to form an intricate tapestry of color and design. With each stitch, I embraced the fluidity of the process, allowing the thread to guide me as I navigated the twists and turns of the pattern.

Throughout the weaving process, attention to detail was paramount, ensuring that each stitch was executed with precision and care. The result was a stunning display of artistry, where the zip-zag pattern seamlessly intertwined with the multi-colored thread to create a truly eye-catching design.

In the end, the combination of the zigzag pattern and the vibrant multi-colored thread transformed the simple act of weaving into an expression of creativity and imagination, resulting in a rug that was as beautiful as it was functional.

Wrapping the Foundation Threads


To complete the rug, I delicately lifted the foundation threads from their notches, ensuring their integrity remained intact. With meticulous attention, I carefully tied these threads together, creating a sturdy bond. This final act ensured the structural integrity of the rug, allowing it to maintain its form once removed from the loom. Each knot represented the culmination of countless hours of craftsmanship, weaving together threads of creativity and dedication into a finished masterpiece. With the foundation secured, the rug was ready to be admired, its vibrant colors and intricate patterns a testament to the artistry of handmade weaving.

Completing the Mini Rug on the Mini Weaving Loom


In the grand tapestry of creativity, our journey through the Big and Small contest has been nothing short of extraordinary. From towering paperclips to pocket-sized bookshelves, each entry has showcased innovation on a scale both immense and intimate. Yet amidst this vast array of creations, one entry has woven its way into our hearts with its captivating charm and meticulous craftsmanship.

Behold the mini weaving loom and rug, a testament to the power of imagination and the beauty of the miniature. With each stitch meticulously crafted and every thread woven with care, this entry transcends size to become a masterpiece of artistry and ingenuity.

As we bid farewell to this contest, let us celebrate not only the winners but the spirit of creativity that binds us all together. For in the world of invention, there are no limits to what we can achieve, whether big or small. And as we look to the future, may we continue to dream, to create, and to weave the threads of our imagination into the fabric of tomorrow.