Mini Knex Gun
This is my first intructable so go easy on the comments plz. a simple yet effective gun. shoots black or white rods or paper rolls
Collect Materials
look at the pic.
Ramming Rod
connect orange connector to blue rod
Barrel and Trigger
use 5 grey stoppers and 1 red triangle connector and put together by following pic.
Trigger Cont.
add small green rod to the end of the red traingle follow pic.
Putting It All Together
put the ramming rod thru the barrel . follow pic.
Rubber Band
put the rubber band around the gun . follow pic.
pull the ramming rod by the connector. it shoud click into place and the red traingle should jamm the rod follow pic. put the ammo in the barrel follow shoot push the green rod backwards. hold oit by the grey barrel or it will hurt your finger. shoot away!!!!!!!!