Mini Drill Press

Hi, Everybody.
This is my first instructable. First of all, I wanna made a Drill press, but, with my own design. And, a Plus in this case, that had two options, Manual or Automatic.
In Manual Mode: you can move the drill with a joystick in the Y Axis. Step by Step.
In Automatic Mode: You can move the drill with a joystick in the Y axis. But, the drill automatic will returned to inicial position without press the joystick.

First, this is the list of components that you will need to buy or get to do this Drill Press.
1.- Arduino Nano V3.0
2.- Stepper Motor Nema 17
3.- Easy Driver for Stepper Motor.
4.- LCD Cristal 16x2 with potenciometer 10K.
5.- Switch On/Off
6.- DC Female Plug
7.- 12v 2a DC adapter.
8.- Linear Motion 8 mm Shaft 300 or 400 mm length
9.- 5mmx8mm Motor Shaft Helical Beam Coupler Coupling 18mm Dia 25mm Length
10.- Mounting Bracket for Nema 17 Stepper Motor
11.- Joystick Shield
12.- Push Button Shield
13.- Linear Motion Ball Bearing CNC Slide Bushing 34.5mm Length Pack Of 4
14.- 300mm 8mm Lead Screw ACME Lead Screw and Nut. 3D printer Row Lock
15.- Clamps 2" and 1"
16.- Wood:
1pc. 40cm x 30 cm ( Base Plate).
1pc. 40cm x 7cm
1pc. 40cm x 5 cm
2pc. 30 cm x 7 cm
1pc. 36 cm x 10 cm
1pc. 11cm x 15 cm (for Dremel or MotoTool).
1pc 7cm x 10 cm( for Top for DREMEL or MotoTool).
1pc 40.5cm x 5 cm x 3mm for LCD, PushButton and Joystick.
18.- Screws 1"
19.- Dupont Cables, Drill, carpenter's square, and glue.
Build Structure

We need to join the tables 40x30, 40x7, 30x7 and 36x10. for the FLAT BASE.
With the table 40.5cmx5cmx3mm; we have to cut the hole, to put the LCD. And, the hole for Joystick.
We have to put the Linear Motion 8 mm Shaft and 8mm Lead Screw in 90ยบ using the carpenter's square.
Connections With Arduino Nano

Let's explain the connectons:
Arduino To Easy Driver
Pin 2 connected to Direction Pin
Pin 3 connected to Stepper Pin.
Pin 4 connected to MS2 Pin.
Pin 5 connected to MS1 Pin.
Pin 6 connecte to SLEEP Pin.
Arduino To LCD
Maybe, some of you have more experience with LCD and IC2. But, I don't want to buy it. so, I used the components that i have.
Pin 7 to d4
Pin 8 to d5
Pin 9 to d6
Pin 10 to d7
V0 to the potenciometer.
VDD, A, Right side of the potentiometer to +5 VDC
VSS, K and Left side of the potentiometer to GND
Joystick To Arduino
+5VDC to +5
VER or VRY to A6
HOR or VRX to A7 (If you want to use it in two axis.)
Push Button To Arduino
S(switch) to A1
+ to +5VDC
- to GND
Final Connections:
Easy Driver to Stepper Motor and DC Adapter.
Wires Red and Blue to Coil A
Wires Green and Black to Coil B
GND and M+ to DC Adapter 12 volts 2 Amp.
NOTE: When all the test will be OK, we have to connect de DC adapter to VIN an GND of Arduino nano.
Testing Connections

Take Care to don't do a short circuit, because I did it, and I have to buy other Arduino nano.
The Push Button, will change the machine to Manual or Automatic. take care to connecting this.
The LCD used 5 volts, take care connecting the 12v to stepper motor.
The Code it's easy,
I used two brainy-bits tutorials:
Thanks for the collaboration of this knowledge..

Next Steps...
I'm gonna finish the Work, I only need to put the Mototool and the Clamps to hold it.
And adjust the easy driver and the stepper motor, because it has a small wire.
In a few days I'm going to show you the final project.
Thanks for Read it.