Mini Cardboard Record Player
Need some mini musical decoration? Here is the way to go. Hi my name is E and today I will show you how to make a Mini Record Player! Let's hop into it!
- Cardboard
- E-xacto knife (scissors will work too!)
- Sharpie or black marker
- Hot Glue Gun
- Ruler or Measurement device
The Sides and Base
Start by cutting out 4" by 1 1/2" sides. You will need 4 of these. After that, cut out a 4 1/8" by 4" base. Glue all of these together with a hot glue gun, to make it look like a box without a lid.
Use the Scraps!
Those scraps might be starting to pile up a little by now. Let's save a little bit of time during the clean up and recycle those "useless" pieces. Stack them on the inside of your new box you just glued. Make sure to leave 1/2" of space at the top because that will be important later.
The Second Base
Next cut out a 4" by 3 1/2" piece of cardboard. This will go on the top of your piled up pieces. It isn't going to fit perfectly, but it will do! Go ahead and glue it on!
Making the Record
Records! Records! Circles can be a hard shape to cut with cardboard. I used a small can with a diameter of about 3". I recommend tracing around the can with a pencil and then cutting it out. After it pops out, color the whole thing with black marker. Lastly, cut out a little piece about 1 1/2" to add some detail. Glue all of this on the top.

Now you have yourself a nice little decoration! Feel free to add more detail like I did on the front! Thanks for joining in!