
by G2-2018 in Workshop > Metalworking

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Our project aim to imbue mindfulness through engaging the user's senses in particular, sight and hearing while providing a point of relaxation before and after mental effort through observing movement of the water flow and the sound it makes resembling wind chimes which took inspiration from zen gardens, sensory toys and other sensorial mindful products.

This is how Group 2 students of Monash Industrial Design course constructed the water mechanism product 'Mindfulness' from a DVD player.

Whilst using this product, we have found that further improvements can be made such as the engagement and time spent with it such as the minimum ideal time spent for meditation (5 minutes). Yet, there are opportunities presented in the product that the user may not be restricted to one particular activity such as observing the movement of the used water on the top bed of the rocking base, using the rods onto the cups to create direct sounds or simply watering home plants after using it.

We provide an option for the user to interact with our product, and recognise some areas of improvement yet the way the product is structured allows the user to creative multi-interactive sensorial experience with it.

DVD Player Deconstruction

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We got our DVD player and took it apart with a screwdriver and soldered off some pieces.

Each components are labelled and documented followingly.

Parts Used

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These are the general parts that we've sourced into our 'Mindfulness' product. We'll go into detail of the parts in the following steps. We also have sourced 3mm diameter rods from the group image above.

Part: Main Body(Dominant Volume)

dvd part measurements_Part8.png

This piece of metal will form the base, body and the cups of our rocking product.

The pdf in scale template provided are the cuts, folds and drills that will be made on the product. An image of the template is also provided but we advice to use the pdf image to print out your guides without margins for construction.


Part: Top Cup

dvd part measurements_Part5.png

The round protruding bits will form our top cup.

Cutting guides are shown in the image. Leave approximately 1.5cm space from the cut line to the circle.

Use pdf template as guide.


Part: a Frame X 2

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We have sourced an extra piece of this part from another Group. Each piece will be cut into two and form our A frame at lengths of 125mm.

Optional Part: Manual Holder for Packaging

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These pieces can be used in conjunction with a packaging design to store a manual or poster for the product.

Examples of its use is demonstrated in the renders above.

Building: Removing the Paint


Using paint stripping liquid, scrub and remove the paint off your metal pieces.

Building: Mark and Cut Your Pieces

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Mark your pieces with dimensions provided in step 3 & 4 prior to cutting.

Various tools and machines were utilised here; pliers, band-saw and a dremel was used.

Building: Sanding Your Parts


There are several tools you may use to refine your parts.

We used sandpaper, dremel with a sanding bit and fine rasps.

Building: Rolling the Base


The flat piece of metal that forms the base of the rocking bit is rolled to form a curved edge.

Building: Welding Rocking Part


The protruding sides of the crescent shaped metal are bent along the inner curvature of the rolled piece.

It is spot welded together on both sides. The protruding edges of the rolled piece is later trimmed to the height of the crescent to form our rocking base.

Building: Watertight


The rocking piece is made watertight with body fillers covering the edges of the part.

It is eventually sanded and another layer of body filler applied to it.

It is again, sanded to ensure even coverage with a smooth surface.

Building: Bending the Cups


The cups are bent using a hammer and a vice where the wide edge is place near the corner of the vice and hammered at both edges.

Building: Pattern on Cups


The pieces of cups are marked 5mm from the centre on both sides on the short edge. The drill cuts will not be touching this area.

The holes are marked and knocked into to create a landing for the drill.

A 3mm drill was used on the surface of the pipes close to the edges creating circular patterns/ negative spaces.

Building: Rod Entry on Cups


The holes on the sides of the cups where the rods will be supporting are hammered to mark a landing for the 3mm drill bit.

It is then drilled through.

Building: Marking the A-Frame


The image shows the cut pieces that will form our A-frame.

It is marked on the short edge at the side 5mm long to create symmetry between the pieces as two of the pieces are longer on the side than the other two.

Building: Cutting and Drilling the A-frame


Once the A-frame pieces are cut and filed at the edges, 3mm drills are applied onto the sides of the A-frame where the rods will enter.

A illustration is provided of the drilled holes.

Spray Painting: Primer


Before colour is applied, a primer base is sprayed onto all the metal parts including rods to provide adhesion of the colour spray paints as well as enhancing the longevity of the paint.

It is recommended to have two coats of primer on your metal piece. Depending on the primer used, adhere to the waiting times between coats as indicated on the bottle.

Spray Painting: Colour

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We choose Gold and Blue as our colour palette for this product.

The parts for each type of colour are sprayed with the desired colour.

Building: 3d Print and the A-frame

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The A-frame is glued together onto a 3d print support using Araldite, a two part 5 minutes resin glue. It is kept in place using tape and left to cure. It is then glued onto a 3d printed golden base.

Dimensions of the 3d print are as shown in the last image.

Assembling the Product

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Using Mindfulness

Place your construction plate/ 3d printed with the mechanism onto the rocking bit. Insert each rod through one end of the A-frame, attach your desired patterned cup and support the rod across the opposing A-frames.

Pour sand or water from the top of your assembled piece as it trickles down the patterns formed onto the base of the mechanism.

A video of the product in use is embedded in this step.